Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I know how many people felt checking in throughout the […]
The days that are normal, stress free, ordinary, run of the mill, even simple and pleasant, […]
It all started at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science… We hit most of the […]
So, I got a call today from my doc’s assistant. She said that “it’s a go” […]
Em wanted a bedroom with pink, green, chocolate brown, and polka dots…The paints we chose are […]

So, I called to make my appointment. That’s what I was told to do. I’m very […]
(Hold on tight, this one’s a fast ride, and OH TOO INTERESTING!) Proud big sisSo stinking […]
I must confess…I met someone. Well, he found me, or at least found his way into […]
I finally chose not to wear eye makeup to church yesterday. You’d think I had learned […]
Em excited to start handing out sandwiches So, in our Pilot in the front passenger seat, […]
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