Below you will find a quiz. It’s a language quiz. And by “language quiz” I mean, it’s the language of my 2 year old son, Ryan. A language I am expected to interpret and act upon every day.
Let’s be honest, it’s more like a game of MadGab, but I want to remember his sweet words at this stage in his life, so thought it would be fun to make it into a test for everyone else. Don’t worry, I’m recording some of this, too, and will post those later next week so you can hear how sweet it is.
In the comments section, answer as many of the questions you can with one guess/translation per question. I will keep this open until Tuesday, September 25th at midnight Mountain time. The person with the most correct answers wins a pair of sterling and freshwater pearl earrings from bebe&boo. *Hint: “moo moo” does not translate = moo moo, it actually means something…
Welcome to my life…please translate the following words in your comment (I’ll go easy on you, to start…because I’m nice like that…)
- Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
- Pay noun =
- Moe neen =
- Hail puh =
- Honey =
- Jiss =
- Obble bus =
- Moody =
- Icky =
- Eeb rah =
- Hop hop =
- Eebitt =
- Nay nay =
- Cow =
- Boof =
- Me Oh Me =
- Yay dee =
- Deet =
- Oonie =
- Beet boot =
- Boot =
- Sue =
- Rarrrr =
- Boat Ee Goo =
- Dough Ghee =
- Oat shyed =
- Bay oh =
- How whoooo =
- Bieber =
- Hoo hoo, ha ha =
- Pwffft =
- Maah tee =
- Booty =
- Poopie =
- Boobie =
- Dood doy =
- Mook =
- Dood nye moon =
- Num num =
- Cuckoo =
25 Responses
2. play now
3. morning
4. helper
5. honey (?)
6. this
7. ?
8. ?
9. sticky
10. zebra
11. bunny
12. rabbit
13. horse
14. cow (?)
16. my oh my
17. lady
Oh, I give up! It’s been almost 24 years since I had a talker like that, LOL. So stinkin’ cute! Love the very last one, haha. Can’t wait to see the correct answers.
Hi Ginger! Maybe you should study this list so you’ll know what Lindsay and Beto’s baby is saying to you 🙂 You’ve got time to study diligently 🙂 I’ve already started another giveaway Friday for a whole other list the kid says 🙂 What fun! Hope your foot is healing and all is well in MI! xoxox
By the way…you got 5 right, so, I hate to say it, but you aren’t in the running for the earrings this week 🙂 Thanks for playing 🙂
Welcome to my life…please translate the following words in your comment (I’ll go easy on you, to start…because I’m nice like that…)
Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun =
Moe neen = Morning
Hail puh = Helper
Honey = Honey
Jiss = This or Kiss
Obble bus =
Moody =
Icky = Yuck
Eeb rah = Zebra
Hop hop = Bunny
Eebitt = Rabbit
Nay nay = Horse
Cow = Moo Moo
Boof = Woof
Me Oh Me = My oh my
Yay dee = Lady
Deet = Teeth
Oonie =
Beet boot = Best Bud
Boot = Bud
Sue = Sure
Rarrrr = Tiger
Boat Ee Goo = Bed We Go
Dough Ghee = Doggie
Oat shyed = Outside
Bay oh = Bible
How whoooo =
Bieber = Justin Bieber
Hoo hoo, ha ha = The beginning of a Janet Jackson song
Pwffft = Fart
Maah tee = Emily
Booty = Buns
Poopie = Poo
Boobie = Barbie
Dood doy = Good Day
Mook = Nuk
Dood nye moon = Goodnight Moon
Num num = Yummy
Cuckoo = Crazy
Have fun and have a fantastic weekend
Lisa, my mascara is running…Janet Jackson!? Hilarious! You are gonna laugh when you see what Pwffft really is…OH, this is good fun! Thanks for playing, girls!
Lisa, some great guesses! You got 13 correct…when I post my “Key” Tuesday night, you can see which ones were right…unfortunately, there are a couple girls with more answers correct than you got. Thanks for the great laughs, though!
Pay noun = play now
Moe neen = more green monster smoothie (more green)
Hail puh = help!
Honey = If that’s what Jason calls you, I’m pretty sure that’s what he calls you, too.
Jiss = yes
Obble bus = octopus
Moody = music
Icky = itchy
Eeb rah = elbow
Hop hop = cupcake
Eebitt = what a rabbit says
Nay nay = what a horse says (or his “No” is very Euro)
Cow = okay
Boof = he’s been hanging around the production guys. This is what they call the tech booth.
Me Oh Me = a friend named Naomi
Yay dee = him cheering for tea. “Yay, tea!”
Deet = time to eat!
Oonie = spoon
Beet boot = a game that makes noises that sound like beep boop
Boot =
Sue = zoo
Rarrrr = car noise (or possibly lion)
Boat Ee Goo =
Dough Ghee = doggie
Oat shyed = outside
Bay oh = bear
How whoooo = imitating the Yahoo! commercials
Bieber = He has an older sister. I’m concerned this is actually “Bieber”
Hoo hoo, ha ha = please don’t tell me this is what he calls female bits!
Pwffft = push (like on a swing)
Maah tee = my chair
Booty = pretty sure you’ve already taught him “booty”, and it’s what’s in his diaper
Poopie = word for Dad
Boobie = birdie
Dood doy = good boy
Mook = milk
Dood nye moon = This is a delicacy in some Thai restaurants. He obviously has good taste in food.
Num num = what he says when something tastes good.
Cuckoo = cracker
Whatever these mean, I’m impressed with your phonetic spelling 🙂
Margaret, you got 10 correct, my dear! Thank you for the laughs, nonetheless! I will post the “Key” on Tuesday night so you can compare your answers 🙂
Oh, Dear Margaret! How fun to laugh at all of these guesses! And thanks for the compliment on my phonetic spelling 🙂 You girls are making me laugh, laugh, laugh, and that is exactly what my heart needed, apparently! So fun!
Laughter is good 🙂
Wow. OK. I’ll give it a shot. Its been a long time since I had to interpret baby talk. lol
1. Moo moo=Cow (NAILED IT)
2. pay noun=play now
3. moe neen=morning
4. hail puh=help you
5. honey=honey
6. jiss=kiss
7. obble bus=
8. moddy=movie
9. icky=sticky
10. eeb rah=zebra
11. hop hop=kangaroo
12. eebitt=ribbitt 9what a frog says)
13. nah nah=horse
14. cow=owl
15. boof=woof 9what a dog says)
16. me oh me=please hold me
17. yay dee=lady
18. deet=sweet
19. oonie=moon
20. beet boot=ski boot
21. boot=boot
22. sue=shoe
23. rarrr=sound a lion makes
24. boat ee goo=
25. dough ghee=doggie
26. oat shyed= outside
27. bay oh=bear
28. how whoooo=hello
29. bieber= as in justin bieber
30. hoo hoo, ha ha=santa’s laugh
31. pwiffft=poof
32. maaah tee=potty
33. booty=bottom
34. poopie=poop in the diaper
35. boobie=scoobie
36. dood doy=good boy
37. mook=milk
38. dood nye moon=Good night moon
39. num num=want one or he likes it
40. cuckoo=mean you’re crazy
So how’d I do. I think I won!!!! 😉
Karen! So far, sis, you are in the lead with 16 right answers! The games are still open until tomorrow night, but just wanted to give you a heads up 🙂 I will post the “Key” tomorrow night so you can see the true translations. Nice work!
Here’s Annie Shoberg’s answers sent in via email:
1. Cow
2. I wanna play! Put me down!
3. Morning
5. Bee (my other guess was “money,” but he’s too young for this)
6. This
7. Applesauce
8. Judy (kid likes Judge Judy?)
9. Something’s sticky, clean me up, Ma!
10. Debrah
11. Rabbit
12. Rabbit
13. Horse
14. Cow
15. Dog
16. Naomi
17. Lady
18. Feet
19. Honey
20. Peek a boo
23. Lion
24. Body Glue!?!
25. Doggie
26. Outside
27. Playdough
28. Coyote
29. Bieber Fever!!!
30. You’re hilarious, as indicated by my laugh
31. That’s ridiculous/ also, shy humility at mama’s compliment
32. Mighty, as in “My God is so big, so strong and so MIGHTY, there’s nothing my God can not do.”
34. Puppy, but beware, could be puppy poop
35. Barbie
36. Good boy
37. Milk
28. Good night, moon (ie: pacifier)
39. Yummy, I like it.
40. Bird
Dear Lord, you had me rolling, Annie! So far you are in 2nd place after Karen Kool, with 15 correct answers! Unfortunately I couldn’t 30, 31, and 32, though those had my mascara streaming down my face! YOU ARE FUNNY! Thanks for playing 🙂 Fun times! I will post the “Key” tomorrow night 🙂
Here’s Lori Vogel Bierschbach’s sent in via email:
Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun = Play now
Moe neen = Mommy
Hail puh = Help
Honey = Honey
Jiss = This
Obble bus = Bus
Moody = ? I’m stumped on this one Mad
Icky = Yucky
Eeb rah = Emily
Hop hop = Rabbit
Eebitt = Eat it
Nay nay = Horse
Cow = Cow MOO MOO
Boof = Puppy is in woof woof
Me Oh Me = Mine
Yay dee = Yes
Deet = Eat
Oonie = One
Beet boot = beets
Boot = Shoe
Sue = shooo (as in shoo fly)
Rarrrr = Lion
Boat Ee Goo = Boat go
Dough Ghee = Doggie
Oat shyed = Out side
Bay oh = Bye
How whoooo = Owl
Bieber = Baby
Hoo hoo, ha ha = Laugh
Pwffft = blow nose
Maah tee = My or mine
Booty = But
Poopie = Poop or Pee
Boobie = Boobs!!
Dood doy = Daddy
Mook = Milk
Dood nye moon = see the moon
Num num = Yummy
Lori, you got 11 correct! Nice guesses! I will be posting the “Key” tomorrow night so you can check your answers 🙂 Thanks for playing! Unfortunately, 11 isn’t enough to win the prize this time…
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Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun = play now
Moe neen = good morning
Hail puh = help
Honey = he calls you, emily, or jason this sometimes because he hears you calling each other that
Jiss = this
Obble bus = applesauce
Moody = smoothie
Icky = sticky
Eeb rah = zebra
Hop hop = rabbit
Eebitt = leave it
Nay nay = night night
Cow = horse
Boof = dog
Me Oh Me = mommy
Yay dee = daddy
Deet = eat
Oonie = emily
Beet boot = peek a boo
Boot = boo
Sue = you
Rarrrr = roar, his pirate sound 🙂
Boat Ee Goo = go to school
Dough Ghee = doggie
Oat shyed = outside
Bay oh = bed
How whoooo = helloooo
Bieber = he’s down with pop culture already. is em a fan? 😉 justin? 😉
Hoo hoo, ha ha = his laugh? haha
Pwffft = ooh, that was a close one.
Maah tee = my drink
Booty = pretty
Poopie = change my diaper
Boobie = baby
Dood doy = good boy
Mook = milk
Dood nye moon = good night moon
Num num = that’s good
Cuckoo = cookie
Michawn, thanks for playing! You got 12 right…
Here’s Heather G’s entry via email..
Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun = play now
Moe neen = morning
Hail puh = help please
Honey = honey
Jiss = kiss
Obble bus = all of us
Moody = smoothie
Icky = what he says when he makes a mess
Eeb rah = zebra
Hop hop = bunny
Eebitt = ribbit (what a frog says)
Nay nay = horse
Cow = now (it can’t really stand for cow, if cow is moo moo, right?)
Boof = roof (sound a dog makes)
Me Oh Me = Emily
Yay dee = Lady
Deet = dad
Oonie = mommy
Beet boot = belly button or maybe peek-a-boo
Boot = boo or if beet boot is belly button, then just button
Sue = soon
Rarrrr = “ROAR” sound a lion or bear makes
Boat Ee Goo = ‘body go? (as in “Where did everybody go?”)
Dough Ghee = doggie
Oat shyed = outside
Bay oh = play now
How whoooo = loud sound a fire truck, police car, or train makes
Bieber = Daner (what you call your sister)
Hoo hoo, ha ha = his fake laugh for when he thinks he should be laughing
Pwffft = oops
Maah tee = more please
Booty = potty
Poopie = as in poopy diaper
Boobie = a boo boo (ouchie)
Dood doy = good boy
Mook = book
Dood nye moon = good night moon
Num num = yum yum
Cuckoo = cracker
Heather Gieske got 15 correct…
Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun = Play now
Moe neen = Morning
Hail puh = Help
Honey = Winnie the Pooh
Jiss = Kiss
Obble bus = School Bus
Moody = Muddy
Icky = Yucky
Eeb rah = Zebra
Hop hop = Bunny
Eebitt = Rabbit
Nay nay = Horse
Cow = How
Boof = Dog
Me Oh Me = Man
Yay dee = Lady
Deet = This
Oonie = Blankie
Beet boot =
Boot =
Sue = Use
Rarrrr = Lion
Boat Ee Goo = Billy Goat
Dough Ghee = Doggie
Oat shyed = Outside
Bay oh = A pet?
How whoooo = Who’s that
Bieber = Justin
Hoo hoo, ha ha = Evil laugh (lol)
Pwffft = Sticking his tongue out
Maah tee = Party
Booty = Potty
Poopie = Diaper change
Boobie = Barbie
Dood doy = Good boy
Mook = Milk
Dood nye moon = Good Night moon
Num num = Food
Cuckoo = Bird
Tiffany! THanks for playing! You got 12 right 🙂
Here’s yet another entry. THis one comes from Jill Tallents in MN:
Moo, moo = Cow (freebie)
Pay noun = Peanut
Moe neen =cat
Hail puh = help
Honey =money
Jiss =this
Obble bus =all of us
Moody =money
Icky =sticky
Eeb rah =zebra
Hop hop =rabbit
Eebitt =frog
Nay nay =horse
Cow =owie
Boof =dog? (ruff)
Me Oh Me =mine
Yay dee =lady
Deet =feet
Oonie = noodle
Beet boot =robot
Boot =shoe
Sue =zoo
Rarrrr =tiger/lion
Boat Ee Goo =where did it go?
Dough Ghee =doggie
Oat shyed =outside
Bay oh =bail
How whoooo =who is it?
Bieber =beaver
Hoo hoo, ha ha =it’s hot
Pwffft =car, plane,??
Maah tee =naughty
Booty =butt
Poopie =poip
Boobie =blanket
Dood doy =chew toy
Mook =milk
Dood nye moon =look at the moon
Num num =food
Cuckoo =chicken/rooster
Jill, you did great coming in with 12 correct answers 🙂