On our overnight away last week in memory of Noah’s birthday, we headed up to a quiet little cabin and spent a little family time doing things we think Noah would have loved to do…and things his big sis loves to do, here and now!
And letting Daddy touch slimy fish that Em catches with her Princess fishing pole, but just poses with…
And hanging out with real cowboys like this one named Gary…
And stealing the camera at breakfast to capture half-asleep parents like these ones…
(Notice the shirt on the beautiful toothless girl above…that just ‘happened’ to be a ‘hand me down’ from a friend.)
And hanging out with her most favorite man on earth!
And skipping rocks with Mommy while Daddy tries his hand at Princess fishing pole ‘fly fishing’…
(Note: Mommy had her record of 7 skips until her stone went all the way across the creek into the bank, Em’s record was 3…great job, kid!)
And then following this double rainbow down the mountain for 20 minutes, while Mommy bawled and thanked God for such an amazing gift and Daddy tried to video tape it. Here’s the You Tube link…
It was a beautiful day and we were grateful for the time away as a family. When we got home, flowers were waiting from family and friends, along with a sweet treat for Em to “share” with her brother.
Noah, I don’t know how you celebrated in God’s presence, and even though I would have rather you been here, (or rather me THERE), smearing frosting through your hair and touching slimy fish with your sister, I am grateful for the time we had to remember. Your life was short according to the standard of time we use here on earth, but it was rich, so to me, little guy, length is not a good measure of impact! Yours has been HUGE! SO proud of YOU, Sweet Noah! Love you bigger than the Universe! Mom, xoxox
19 Responses
Beautiful is all I can say!!
these pictures are awesome 😉
Thanking God for rainbows, Noah, and for you! Love Kelli
i was just smiling all the way through at all the fun you had together… then i saw the DOUBLE rainbow and my mouth dropped open (still smiling, but hanging wide open)… ISN’T GOD JUST SO AMAZING? HOW PERSONAL! HOW BEAUTIFUL! HOW CLOSE! HOW THOUGHTFUL! He sure showed beauty to your family… I just LOVE that. I’d have been bawling with you… my eyes were welling just reading.
(ps – your mom is forwarding the well stuff to my mom via email and she is forwarding to me… i can tell she is so proud of you on your mom’s behalf. 🙂 )
That is so awesome. God is good like that! Your daughter is very cute!!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy! Thanking God with you for the rainbow!!
What a great time you all had!!! I love that God blessed you with a rainbow while you were there!!! I’m sure it was as big as Noah’s smile watching you three from heaven!
God is so good! Thanks for sharing about your time together. The rainbow is INCREDIBLE!
Wow! What an awesome God we love, serve, know. I am so glad you were able to experience all those beautiful things together. Stacia
This post, but the rainbows at the end especially, brought joyful tears to my eyes. Happy Birthday Noah, and thank you for all the years of joy and hope you have brought to us all. LOVE AND HUGS!! Ade, it is so beautiful how your honor him (and Him)!
That was a sweet day! thanks for sharing the snapshots of it!
A double rainbow I have never seen…must have been a gift just for you and your family. God has not forgotten your pain, what a beautiful reminder that He hears every thought and catches every tear.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. That rainbow is amazing!
We will all celebrate together…in a moment!
I love you…all of you!
Praising God for a sweet time for your beautiful family as you celebrated Noah. Love, Erika 🙂
glad you guys had a great get away, just found ur blog thru momentswithmoriah. we also have three kids described exactly as yours one I never met, one who I can never hug enough and another who is enjoying God’s physical presence in Heaven. lost our Lucas back in October and have found it healing to read through your blog. lots of love… ….
Just beautiful. And the double rainbow? Chills!
We ALL miss Noah.
My heart aches 🙁
Lifting you in prayer, and thinking of you always,