So I’ve been thinking lately how worked up I got when the doctors said that Noah was going to die. I thought I believed that God’s word was true and that only He could number our days. Unfortunately, I believed it the way I wanted to believe it…I thought that only a few months was no life at all and that since our family has more longevity than we know what to do with, that Noah would live against all odds well into his 90’s. Obviously, I didn’t believe God’s word. I interpreted it for my own use…let me tell you, a lot of churches do. But that’s another post…
You see, if I really believe God is the Author of all truth, that there isn’t a lying bone in His body, then I must believe that regardless of the standard age expectancy of man, 7 months and 2 days were the “days ordained for me (Noah) were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
So, I think about how many people have heard the words, “You have 3 months to live” or “You have stage 1, 2, 3, 4 and have such and such amount of time” or “Your baby has this condition and will not live outside the womb” or “Unless you get a transplanted body part, you won’t make it to your next birthday “, etc., etc. I could go on and on. I realize that the physicians are not trying to blow sunshine or give false hope, but my heart here is to encourage anyone reading that humans are not God and have not ordained any one persons number of days. What I am saying, though, is that God will sometimes use humans to ‘enlighten’ us to a general time frame. What we do with that information is really up to us…
I’m having a hard time getting across what has been on my heart, but flow with me here…I have met, or known of, many people who have been told that their life was going to end in such and such amount of time. For the most part, they find a renewed sense of hope, even in their grief, and reason for living than they had been experiencing doing the daily grind up until that point. All of a sudden, the life they thought was so great and valuable actually has value…it’s actually a treasured life to live instead of one to endure. Things that were important take on new meaning. Life changes. Perspective is altered. Because of those, I have been inspired. For others, however, despair sets in. The reality of death is paralyzing. “No, I don’t want to die!” “I don’t want so and so to die!” The one absolute in life, death, is knocking at one’s door and most would try to do anything to keep it at bay. Except He ordains our days…
I, for one, have lived too many days without eternal perspective. Jesus said He was coming back soon. Granted, that was over 2000 years ago so some might not be in the habit of waiting for His glorious return. Life has gone on and people are busy…But, if God were to say that on such and such a day He was returning in all His glory, how might you live?
The reality is, all our days are ordained. God has said He is returning on such and such a day but we have not yet been informed of it. As a result, we get comfortable. I get comfortable. “Oh, surely that won’t happen in my lifetime” or “I don’t know when Jesus is coming back, so I have time to do such and such…” Imagine what your life would look like if you only had X amount of days…Imagine. God has blessed us each with gifts and talents, resources and passions. We do only have X amount of days.
Imagine what our lives could look like if we lived like they weren’t our lives at all…
12 Responses
Wow Adrienne!!
You really hit this one on the head! I love how you put things right out there, right in front of me to smack me in the head!!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!
Have a great day!
Beth in Brighton
What if? What a question? This post should be posted on my computer screen, my fridge, my mirror — anywhere for me to see and remember! In the daily crazinest, living for the right reasons sometimes gets lost in the fog of dust.
As I read through some of your posts, listening to your playlist — I still have a CD for you tucked away. I need to mail it to you!! I will get on that!!
Love, Tara
Adrienne, I think you do a great job “saying” what you’re trying.
Noah’s life reached more in his 7 mos. and 2 days than many men do in 72 years!
Yes! I loved this!
Thanks again Adrienne! 🙂
I’ve been thinking along these lines lately, as well, Ade. Thanks for this reminder! My pastor in England really hit us with this perspective a lot after he was diagnosed w/ a brain tumor. He kept reminding us all that only the Lord knows how many days ANY of us has, brain tumor as a 30+ year old, or not!!! How I pray, by His grace, I can be more mindful of this, and live each moment like it might be my last – like I might see my Saviour come down from the sky at any moment now…’cause I might!!!
Love and prayers and hugs to you ~ Jodie
You have the gift of exhortation, Friend. Erika 🙂
P.S. I’ve been making frequent use of the songs on your playlist. In the morning, I’ve been playing “It’s a Beautiful Day,” and my 3 little guys dance their tails off.
Yes, yes, yes…How many times have I had similar thoughts, but then I get comfortable again….You’ve given me a big reminder today….
I’m one of those who was told 12 years ago this week that I had a 30% chance of being here in 5 years. Thank God they were wrong! It did give me renewed joy and purpose. Most importantly, my relationship with God changed dramatically. I learned to truly trust God. What a gift! I’d never give up having cancer, because it changed me in such a positive way.
I’ve had a recurring theme in my life this year of “getting old” – it has been repeated to me again and again through the various doctors that I see. At first it kind of bummed me out, and then I realized, “I’m getting OLD!” Remembering that I thought I’d never have to deal with this age issues reminds me that it is a GIFT to get old!
You’re right! God ordains our days and our purpose. I’m just trying to fulfill mine in a way that honors Him as much as possible!
God Bless!
Adrienne, coming across your blog, through Nate’s(I’m a reader too) 🙂 was one of the best things that has happened to me. Watching the video of your sweet Noah was heartbreaking and inspirational. When I hold my little boy, he’s 13mo. I think of Noah and what a huge blessing it was to have him come and spend some time on earth. You’re so right when you say our days are numbered. I think of people who have passed on and wish they could have lived longer, but than I too have to remind myself that it was their time to go. Not always an easy thing to understand or accept. Thank you so much for your blog!! Thank you for not keeping your thoughts to yourself.I know God is working through you in so many ways! Hope you don’t mind the long comment:) God bless you, Melissa
P.s. Would it be okay to add you to my blog, so others can read your writings? Melissa
I love reading when you share so deeply from your heart. GOD is all over every word. What great thoughts and a timely message. You are one amazing godly lady, dear Adrienne.
May you meet the RISEN CHRIST in a special way today.
I just wanted to let you know how much this post really stuck with me for several days. I talked about it on my blog and gave your blog address. I hope this is ok. My sister-in-law has been reading your blog for a long time now and recently shared it with me. Thank you for sharing so much of your heart. It reaches so many people!