So, I called to make my appointment. That’s what I was told to do. I’m very obedient…
Her: Hello, Dr. B’s office. May I help you?
Me: Yes, I’m calling to make an appointment.
Her: This is a referral only office since Doc B is a specialist. We only accept referrals.
Me: Okay. My Doc’s assistant called yesterday to inform me that my blood work was faxed to you guys and that I was to make an appointment with Doc B.
Her: Well, we got the blood work but no referral. The blood work doesn’t mean anything without a referral.
Me: Okay. I understand. I was just following through with instructions given to me. I apologize. I assumed my blood work and medical records being transferred to you guys meant I was being referred…
Her: Well, what do you have?
Me: I don’t know. My son died. No one knows why. I had some blood work done and my doctor then felt as if he should send it to you guys. I’m just calling to make an appointment. (FYI: I was calm, not sassy, and very “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie)
Her: Well, what were you tested for?
Me: My doctor did an antibody panel for such and such disease.
Her: Well, we don’t treat such and such disease.
Me: Right, and I don’t know if I have that disease or any disease. I was just trying to do my part of the equation by making an appointment.
Her: What’s your phone number? I’ll make some calls and call you back later.
Me: 867-5309 (JUST KIDDING)
Have I heard from anyone yet? No.
I do believe many doctors, and all nurses, desire to help people heal. I also don’t care for drug companies and politics and the ‘system’ because, one, do I look like a dog groomed and trained to jump through hoops? NO, I’m a freaking human being, God’s most treasured creation, created in His image, just like YOU and YOU and YOU, so let’s treat each other that way. Just an idea here, folks. No other creature on earth can claim that…And two, I saw and learned too much being in the hospital with Noah to know that even the doctor with the best intentions, even the ones who fall in love with your kid, are still bound by a lot of political mumbo jumbo.
I gotta go make some endorphins. Later.
12 Responses
boy do i feel for you girl!!! ugggh… i know a little about this medical system frustration myself and i am feeling your pain – endorphins – good answer. 🙂
question – have you called your dr’s office back to ask them specifically about a referral? i never trust one office to call the other because i end up waiting days and having to do it myself in the end anyway… maybe you just simply need endorphins before you can take one more step in this direction! 🙂 in that case, i’ll shut up. 🙂
ok – no more advice – just happy you are getting endorphins and praying this person who answered the phone is REALLY doing what she said she would do.
I have been praying for you ALL DAY and I wil continue! Maybe this roadblock will open up?
Praying Ade, you are on the right track. I will pray for perserverance because that’s what you going to need the strength to do.
Your life journey just keeps taking twists and turns. I pray for answers…soon. I also can’t wait to see how God is going to bless you through this.
You have been heavy on my heart since your last post. I am praying hard for you. I hope your able to have peace this weekend.
Sue Simpson
As a nurse it is so disheartening to hear that a receptionist would even carry a conversation on with you like that…she should have transferred you to a nurse who could have taken care of the referral by simply calling your doctor. I get so discouraged by the lack of respect shown to patients before I see them! I pray you have a better experience and are given some clarity on the potential cause of your son’s death.
I have experienced from receptionists what you described over and over and over again. And pharmacists, too. I hate it. Aaaghhh!!
How FRUSTRATING! I know ’cause I’ve been through it a thousand times (maybe a slight exaggeration) 🙂 I am praying that this new information (the blood work) sheds light on what happened to Noah.
Where has customer service gone these days? Ironically, you aren’t even a customer, you are a patient dealing with a lot of uncertainties already. Thanks for keeping us updated with your journey. Being in the medical field, your story is very interesting both medically and personally. I’ll be praying for you.
You’ve been so heavy on my heart this weekend after reading your last two posts. I’m praying for you–that you’d continue to be brave and fight for answers and also be at peace in your fight…steadfast resolve to do what you can (and help others do what they can for you too!). Sometimes we have to help people know how to help us. I’m hoping that this is the case with the receptionist. If she’s not different next time you talk to her, I’d be going over her head! 🙂 Blessings!
I wonder why medical office receptionists are such pit bulls? I’d like to think a caring RN would have understood “Adrienne-speak” and just made the appointment for you.
I pray there are answers at the end of all of this. Answers for you and Jason and Em. Noah already knows the answers.
I think of you and your family daily.
I have been thinking about your post since I first read it. I am so sorry you were treated rudely on the phone, and I’m glad to hear that the misunderstandings are being cleared up and hopefully the appointment will shed some much-needed answers!
I am a physician assistant, and I listen to my nurses answer phone calls all day. Most of the time, patients are sick and upset (which is why they’re calling), but it breaks my heart to hear my nurses getting yelled at most hours of the work day for things that are not their fault. Often the patients even become insulting and verbally abusive to the nurses. The nurses are more compassionate than I could ever be, but it wears even on the softest of souls.
There is a lot of political mumbo jumbo, and there are a lot of sick and angry patients. And there are a lot of nurses and receptionists who get chewed out every day when they go to work by perfect strangers who they’ve sworn to help.
Maybe the receptionist had a bad day. Maybe she had just been yelled at by the 20th person in a row before you called. Maybe she just has a sour disposition. On behalf of those in the medical field, I ask for your patience, and understanding that we are ALL precious, and flawed, children of God. Even mean receptionists.