My friend, Erin, who has been fighting for her marriage is now fighting for her pregnancy…Erin has been hospitalized for bed rest since Saturday morning due to placenta previa. She will be 20 weeks tomorrow, however, today, unless a miracle comes in some other way, Erin is due to deliver Griffin Jacob either through c-section or induction. George, Jackson, and Erin’s mom are with her now and are waiting to be transported to a larger facility in Charlottesville, VA, where doctors are waiting. Erin’s WBC is really high because her amniotic fluid count has dropped dramatically. Griffin needs a miracle to live on this earth. Erin, George and Jackson need prayers for healing, strength, protection and hope…and however else the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Erin said she has peace in her heart with what all is happening, but will you all please lift up this family in your prayers as the hours and days approach? Miracles and healing STILL happen!
Here is her blog site:
8 Responses
Thoughts and prayers being sent to Erin and her family.
Yes, I will pray. Just as I pray for you every day.
i’m praying. i’m glad i can. i’m thankful that the God of the universe stops to hear my pleas and can heal, comfort, love and sustain his people.
i’m from c’ville, it’s my hometown, and thankfully, the medical care there is phenomenal. i pray for peace for this family as well as yours as you walk through the unknown.
Praying in C’ville-and happy to do anything for Erin here locally. God bless.
Praying for your friend, Erin.
Thanks for giving her website. I read through her entire blog last night.
She & her entire family/situation are in my prayers.
Jackie Carl
Marion, IN
Adrienne, I am praying for Erin today that God will heal her marriage and protect her and her children.
Jesus please be near!!! I too just read her blog last night. I already love Erin to pieces!! 🙂 It could have been a manuscript to my life 2 yrs ago. God does heal and restores marriages that you thought would never be restored in a million years,like mine.
Please update on Erin when you can.
Adrienne~ Thank you for putting her blog on here, I read through and will be praying for her and her beautiful family! Please let me know if there is any way that we can help her when she arrives here…. Hope you are well! I would love to see you…. Wendy