“You’ve never truly lived until you give something to someone for which you can never be repaid.” -Unknown
Today we are going to Florida. We have been given a tremendous blessing and will be spending a few days in Celebration and some at St. Pete’s beach. Our pastor and his wife are friends with some people down in Celebration that put their hearts and resources together to bless Jason, Em and myself with a change of scenery. Em knows about the beach, but has no idea that she gets to go see Minnie Mouse and Cinderella. We’ve known now for a couple of months, but we weren’t about to tell her such exciting news too soon or the kid would not have taken a nap or gone to bed due to visions of princesses dancing in her head! One time she went to California with her dad on a business trip and stayed with her aunties, uncles and Nana. I told her THAT morning before she left the house! I was pregnant with Noah and it was a little late in the pregnancy to fly, so my best friend came out and we mini “extreme makeovered” Em’s room while she was gone. So much excitement…
Anyway, believe me, I don’t feel sorry for myself, but being at home with Noah’s bedroom door shut for 3.5 months now wears on me at times. I know I have to organize it, especially since we put a contingent offer on a house pending the sale of our own, so now I have to clean it, but sitting here day in and day out does not inspire me to do so. I think leaving the house for a week will give me new perspective and drive to get things in order. I decided about a month ago that I’m not actually going to power organize through all of Noah’s things just yet. I am going to pack them in boxes and go through them in time at our new house. I don’t want to make rash decisions, and I especially don’t want to be rushed making the memory box of treasures that I want to put together for Emily.
Regarding the beach…I know we said that we are going to take Noah’s ashes around the world with us and spread them in different oceans, but we’re not prepared to explain what we are doing with a ‘box of dust’ to Emily as of yet. We want her to be a part of that at some point if she desires, but since she’s 4.75 (yes, she tells people she’s four and three quarters now…), we just aren’t ready to go there…
Yesterday I took Em in to Children’s to have a CBC done because she’s had dark circles under her eyes for about a month and a half and has a little pea sized lump in her lymph nodes on the back of her neck. The doctor wasn’t worried about it, but ordered the blood work because, well, I asked him to, and two, he didn’t feel it was out of the question to cover our bases. I’m not paranoid because of Noah, but I know too much now about the medical world. We’ve gone to visit the nurses several times since Noah died and it hasn’t been difficult, but yesterday I had to fan my eyes several times to choke back tears. I was sad that my daughter was so comfortable there and knew the building like the back of her hand…
Anyway, some friends and I were at dinner the other night and on our way home were praying for one another and our families. One thing we were praying for was a 16 year old boy in Colorado Springs with Hodgkins Lymphoma who just had a large lump removed from his neck. After we were done I told the girls about Em’s little lump and her tired state, and that I wanted to get it checked out but also didn’t want to. We prayed again and they encouraged me to take her in the next day. I had already been doing research on mono and other stuff, but, you know, the last time I took my kid into Children’s for an out-patient visit…
So, I’m on hold right now waiting for those results…
We are looking forward to family time in Florida and to meeting people we don’t even know who have loved us and prayed for us over the past many months. We’ll take lots of pictures and post some when we return. I can’t wait to sit by the ocean and be in awe of God’s creative hand. Have a wonderful week!
13 Responses
Blessings on your trip! Praying for rest, relaxation and rejuvination.
Our two year old tells people he is 2 and 3/4’s too!
I have been laughing, crying, and praying with you and your family since December. I’ve never responded before, but the BEACH made me. It is where I go to recharge my soul. Lay down on the sand , close your eyes and let the “SON” fill your soul. I will be praying for you. There are so many times I see my life in your writings. Thank you for sharing with us.
Lori from GA
Adrianne, have a wonderful, relaxing trip. I’m sure this is something you guys really need, what a blessing! I’m sure you will have a fabulous time.
Oh, I almost forgot – thanks to my dh my daughter now tells people she is five-and-two-thirds!?!
I will be praying for a safe trip and great,healthy results from the doctors!
Praying for a blessed time together for you 3. Enjoy this gift you’ve been given…
enjoy your well deserved break and change of scenery.
we’ll pray for accurate and reliable results in the blood work.
God Bless.
Hope you have a wonderful time! Here’s to a MUCH NEEDED change of scenery! By the way, my daughter is also 4.75 years old too, and in LOVE with princesses! I can only imagine Em’s eyes as she sees Cinderella and the rest of the princesses…
Hey there once again…
Adrienne, about a year ago I had my son taken in for the exact same thing, a lump in his neck. My mother is a cancer survivor, but cancer runs in the family, so I was worried about Lymphoma or Leukemia. We waited it out a month per the doctor’s request, and after the month passed, and the lump was still there, we began testing. Needless to say, the lump is still there, but Parker’s bloodwork always comes back normal. I guess he just has a larger than normal lymphnode. Just thought I’d share that.
Have fun in Florida. That’s amazing…Em will love it. Being here in Ca. ten minutes from Disneyland, we go there routinely. Our family will continue to pray for your family!!
Mary Geeslin
So glad you’re going to Florida! I hope you have a wonderful, rejuvinating and peaceful time while you’re there. Blessings on you and your family!
Wonderful news about Emily’s blood work too! 🙂
FYI… I have allergies to mold and a few other things, so even a slice of pizza is rough on my body. When I was 35 I went for a baseline mammogram. They found an enlarged lymph node that they kept watching very closely. It never changed, UNTIL I stopped eating yeast products. The thing shrank to where it was hardly visible!
With all that said, what was the return on Em’s allergy testing? Not that you shouldn’t have her checked, just know that if someone has allergies, their ‘nodes will be enlarged at all times.
ENJOY you time away! I love how you guys are able to travel! Let me know if you ever need a hairdresser or nanny to go with you on any of your adventures… I am well trained in both fields! lol
I hope you all have a wonderful time! I’m sure its going to be refreshing and you all need it so much. I will have you in my prayers for renewed strength and clarity when you return.
I hope you all are having the most wonderful time!! Some friends of mine are also down there this week… I didn’t even think about that until today. You may cross paths and not even know it! But maybe she would recognize you all from the pictures.
God bless!!