Today Jason and I got to live out every parent’s dream…we had TWO kids in the hospital, and one was not a visitor!!!
Em fell down the stairs to our basement and headed to TCH Denver with daddy and Nana for staples in her head. She was really brave. She told the nurse that she didn’t care that it would hurt. She said, “Just do it.” The nurse gave her some numbing solution and we waited for a half hour while playing tic tac toe and telling stories about Emily’s brave adventures in the ED.
Meanwhile, in the fluoroscopy room down the hallway in radiology, Noah was getting his new PICC line inserted. Jason and I couldn’t be in the procedure because they view it as semi-surgical, so we were both with Emily.
Back to the ED…the nurse came in to clean Emily’s wound. I asked her how long staples would need to be in Em’s head. She said, “5 to 7 days”…Emily said, “I’d rather it be 5 days…” Anyway, I held Em’s hands really tightly and the nurse put 3 staples in…end of story. We did the all out parental over indulgence protocol with ice cream, popcorn, a stuffed animal. THIS IS HOW ALL HOSPITAL VISITS SHOULD GO…
Back to fluoroscopy…we snuggled Em up in her pink blankie and headed down the hall to Noah’s procedure room. We waited about 5 minutes and the nurse came out to let us know Noah’s PICC line went in without any problems. We all headed up as a family to room 313 to watch the second blizzard of the season set in…
9 Responses
Hey! Glad they got Noah’s PICC line in. Whew! And now Emily has a really “good” story…her first staples? Thanks for writing me back, Adrienne…I could hardly believe you remembered me from NWC. You know how it is: we all knew you…I didn’t expect you to remember all us “kids”! I taught school for 6 years before having, Kieran, though…and I still remember my first kids from 8 years ago and sometimes they can’t believe I remember. Anyway, yeah, I lived with Shanel (“your” Shanel!) back in Moyer, and played soccer with Brittney. Didn’t know Steph G. at all in college, though. Man, you’re good! I did missions in Austria for 5 summers…then one summer Steph came! She’s now one of my dearest friends and we’ve found we have lots in common. Do you guys just know each other from general NWC stuff? And I, too, am AMAZED by the circle of His people that God is raising up all around the world to love on you guys.
Hi Adrienne, it’s Tim from the hospital (The one that helped get the PICC in, yeah!). I’m sorry you couldn’t be in the room today, but I was glad it went so easily. I thought about little Noah all the way home. Maybe it’s a little inappropriate that I’m writing this, but like I said in your room, I see my little girl every time I look at a patient and I cannot fathom how, after all you and Jason have been through, and are still going through, you keep such a positive outlook. I feel that your family is being tested for reasons you aren’t meant to know but are doing a fantastic job keeping the faith. I wanted to tell you both that your strength is inspiring and I will keep you all in my prayers. I’ll try to visit and check in on Noah if I get a chance, but let us know if there is anything you need.
wow…2006 has been quite a year for the Graves’. My prayer for you tonight is that God blesses you (and Denver) with a much more peaceful ’07.
He is good…He will provide…He does answer all of our prayers…
xo, cb
Oh my goodness! I have to say that I truly admire your family. You have had the craziest year anyone can imagine and yet you still manage to get through it. I am truly blessed by your life and your faith is so inspiring. I don’t know your family in real life but I feel like I do. You all are in my thoughts and prayers! May 2007 be a better year for you all! Be encouraged that God is not only working in your lives but the lives of the people who are drawn to this site and pray for you daily. Blessings and love your sister in Christ,
Well I am not suprised that Em is so brave, just look at her Mommy! I am glad everything went well and I will coninue to pray for peace for you and yours.
indeed she learned bravery from her parents! indeed! (i’m sure a few stories about joshua helped too!) 🙂
i’m glad the day wasn’t more complicated – and that em isn’t hurt any worse. i’m proud of her for being so brave… thank You Lord that Noah had a less eventful morning too. 🙂 bless his gorgeous little heart.
i feel so proud to be connected with your family – even though it’s at such a distance – in HIM we are close and i’m thankful.
Oh, that was me with the “anonymous” comment at 4:21 pm for this post. I thought I logged in…oh, in case you couldn’t figure it out, thought I’d write this! And nice job not being shy about putting a photo of Em’s actual wound! What a toughie!
Jennifer (Sauls) McKinney
Em – such a brave young lady you are. But what could we expect after hearing about how you adventure all over the world!
Wishing all of you a blessed New Year – full of peace and healings! You’re never far from my mind and never forgotten in prayer.
AM in OK
I saw your website and said – hey I know them. I am praying for you and I will spread the word around NWC to pray also. God Bless!
Lori Christenson