Yesterday my dad snuggled with Noah for quite some time until his knee cramped and fell asleep. My dad has pretty bad knees(docs want him to have them replaced)…it takes him 5-10 minutes to stand up after kneeling and praying for Noah…he has dropped to his knees many times for our little guy.
Anyway, Friday I was “show and tell” at Emily’s preschool. The teacher told them to bring in something for which they were thankful. I asked her what she was going to bring and she said, “YOU!” She wanted me. It took everything for me to choke back the tears when she said that since our time has been so limited since Noah checked into room 306. The sincerity of a child is priceless. I know this because she wanted me even though I literally hadn’t showered since Tuesday.
Preschool was enlightening…the 3’s & 4’s combined for a hand washing demo from the school nurse. Seriously, I am already a germaphobe from living here for 3.5 months, but now…so, the nurse gave all of us this lotion that shows germs under black light. You should have seen all the white masses of germs on hands, fingernails, and creeping up sleeves! Then we all went to the bathroom after being educated on proper scrubbing and everyone tenaciously washed. We returned to the black light where most kids had done 50/50 jobs of removing crud, but HOLY SMOKES, seriously, everyone should adhere to the sick kid policy, that’s all I have to say about that! p.s. my hands were nice and clean!
“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.”
2 Cor 4:18 I share this because it’s been obvious in the past three months, but today, it was blatant! We were blessed with meeting a new friend who was here on business and felt compelled to come meet Noah. Upon meeting him and hearing his story, he felt strongly about going to our house. My parents were there and got to meet him. My dad and he had a good talk about their religious roots and as a result, they prayed right there in our family room. We praise God for this! I have to tell you what was going on only 5 miles away while this neat guy was giving his life to Christ…All day Noah’s heart rate had been creeping slowly upward. He began to feel warm and he was pretty white and having a bit more labored breathing. After our persistence, the docs ordered another blood analysis because I insisted that his hematocrit (blood count) was lower than they thought. Noah’s temp spiked to 103.8, his heart rate was sitting at 189bpm, and he looked pretty lousy. I called my mom who was at the house with my mother-in-love and asked them to start praying. They went in the back bedroom and started praying up a storm. Little did they know they weren’t only praying for Noah’s healing today but they were praying against a huge attack and scheme to keep this guy from realizing the amazing grace of God’s love. When my mom called to tell me that our new friend had left and that he had prayed with my dad, I told her that Noah’s heart rate was down to 159bpm, his temp was 100.2 and his color was coming back.
I’d say that the devil was really mad today, how about you?!?!
9 Responses
Praying for you today and always….
and give Him the Glory GREAT things He has done!!!
Praise the Lord!!!! That enemy sure needs to figure out he can’t wear God’s saints out or down….and that God wins in the end.
As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers. May joy and God’s presence continue to be seen even with heavy hearts.
Hey there! You might not remember me – I went to ORU with you and Jason. My name then was Candi Morrisett and I hung out a lot with Julie Shaw and Tina Ledbetter. I just wanted you to know that I found your blog today through Michelle Franzen’s site. I read through your blogs about little Noah. It seems trivial to say I’ll be praying for him – but I mean it from a very intimate and sincere place in my heart. I recently wrote a blog about our short and scary experience with the birth of out third child – although I know it in no way comes close to comparing with what you’ve been through. But many of my memories in the Riley Children’s Hospital came rushing back. If we ever live closer to the hospital I’ve determined to be trained as a volunteer “rocker”. They train people for the specific job of coming in to rock the babies. Can you imagine getting to hold them and silently pray over each one of them? I’d probably get found out and get fired or something. But it’s a dream. It’s wonderful to hear about your lives and to know that some of our fellow alumni are still and more deeply in love with our Lord!!!
“When our circumstances drive us to prayer..the meaning is to get attatched to God…hold onto
Him..and not focus on the answers…”
worry = taking on responsibility for things that God doesn’t intend for me to have
The greatest blessing ever =
to be used by God
Just some notes from a BSF lesson that have helped me and I wanted to share! You are continually in my prayers!
Praise God.
I want to share with you happened here this same day of this attack on Noah. Our intercessory prayer group was meeting at our regular prayer time Sat at 4:30 pm. (central time) Shortly after we started we suddenly turned directions and began to pray intensely for Noah. Since this is not normally a time of petitoning God but of praying for the nations it was unusual. As we prayed many things came forth but I thought that it was interesting that when we felt like what ever was happening was under control. The Holy Spirit gave a song in the spirit which when it was interpreted was a like a healing lullabye for Noah. As we prayed much in the Spirit I have no doubt that we were also praying for the man who was praying in your family room. Praise God!!!
Just as in the book of Daniel when the angel told Daniel that from the first day that he prayed the Lord dispatched the answer to him …I believe that from the first day that you prayed for Noah the answer was on its way, and has also been held up by the enemy of our souls who wants no more “Peace’ in the world. Yes he is mad!! He knows that he is defeated.
In this picture it looks like Noah’s skin is significantly more clear than the last. Were both taken in real time?
ALso – can Noah open his eyes and look around?
Your testimony here is amazing. And the comments are too!
thank you Father for a new brother in YOU!