From the mouths of babes…
“O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise
because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”
Psalm 8:1-2
I love reading the story in the Bible to Emily about when the children were being brought to Jesus and His disciples rebuked them and told them to go away. Man, was Jesus mad! It said He was indignant! That’s not a subtle feeling, it’s intense! Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Then it says He took the children in His arms and blessed them. WOW! The kingdom of heaven belongs to my children and to yours, too! Hello! That is AWESOME! That is provision! That is the Son of God prophesying about the future generation. That is Jesus rebuking His disciples, men with awesome hearts but foggy intentions, (can you say “control issues”) for hindering children from coming to Him. I have to ask myself if there are things that I am doing to hinder my children from fullness in Christ…I don’t want to be a parent who raises children to be seen but not heard! NOT WHEN THEIR LIPS ARE ORDAINED WITH PRAISES FOR GOD! It says their praises will silence the avenger…now that is powerful stuff!
We are told on a daily basis that “our kids pray for Noah every night…our kids pray for Baby Noah when we eat…Lord, please bless Baby Noah”. Em’s best friend prayed for Noah a few days before I found out I was pregnant. She and her mom were praying before bed and she said, “Dear Lord, please bless the baby in Mrs. Graves’ tummy”. We are so humbled that you all are praying, don’t get me wrong, but that this generation is praying for its own…SO AWESOME!
7 Responses
I just listened to this podcast, and it so reminded me of you. You are doing it right. It is so obvious Who is at the center of your life and Who has Noah right in His Hands. Here is the title, date, and website for the podcast if you are interested:
How Do I Respond to Life’s Toughest Questions? 10/22/2006 at
Amen sister. How great is our God!
This is so true! There is nothing that makes me more proud than to hear my children praying. And they continue to pray for baby Noah.
What a powerful post! I stand amazed at what my children end up teaching me about God.
We are with you that the faith of children will make a huge impact on the people all over this globe!
Skyler & Blake are praying for Baby Noah!
I am so thankful that you are home with Noah, ALL of you!! To God be the glory!!
I am so amazed at your endurance and your love for the Lord through the day to day issues. ” God is our strength and ever present help.”
Rebecca B.
I am SO thankful that Noah is at home with you. I loved the picture of Emily and Noah together!!
I will keep praying for the insurance issue, and so moved that you continue to be strong in the Lord. Don’t give up!!.
Rebecca B.
Amen!!! I am privileged each day to hear the voices of children praying. And I want you to know that Noah is the first thing they write on our prayer request list and that it is also a request from each student. They pray diligently and continuely for you all. It is such a blessing to hear them pray.