Now, I know that more than 16 people reading Noah’s blog have prayer needs because Jason set up the blog counter and I know that more than 16 people read his blog. Thanks for sending some in…keep them coming. It was great to pray for all of you today and we will continue to do so! I was sitting in one of my classes in college, many years ago, and we were all praying in small groups at the same time. The thought occurred to me that even though it sounded confusing to my ears, the fact is is that God hears the hearts of millions around the globe at the same instant and it isn’t loud or confusing to Him at all. Pretty cool, huh?! There is no voice mail, there is no busy signal…
Noah is having a nerve and muscle biopsy tomorrow, along with a new PICC line put in. We are electing for this procedure because Noah’s nerve, down on the outer side of his ankle, will show us whether there is myelin and if so, is it in tact or is it being destroyed. The PICC line will also enable the nurses to draw blood and give meds w/o re-inserting IV’s or doing heel pricks. The biopsies will be sent to pathology for review. We’ll draw some blood samples to be sent off to research labs across the nation. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we’ll have some more answers one way or another. Meanwhile, Noah’s heart rates are jumping around a bit, though his rhythm is normal and his body is alkaline which means he is blowing off too much CO2. The docs are adjusting his vent settings accordingly, but it’s puzzling. The cardiologist and pulmonologist both say his brain is telling his heart and lungs to do that. I don’t know what time the surgery is scheduled for but it’ll be some time after 1:00pm.
“…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1b-2a
5 Responses
Good Morning Jason and Adrienne,
This is Sue in Aberdeen. Last night I got a phone call from Andy’s aunt, the young man I asked you to pray for and she was so excited. Andy had miracle breakthroughs YESTERDAY. He was able to move his right arm, he has feeling in his fingers but not able to move them yet, they think he had a muscle spasm in his stomach and he was able to be off the respirator for 13 hours and they are hoping that he will be off the ventilator by the end of the week so he can talk. It has been over 2 months without any signs of hope and yesterday was the day of miracles for Andy. PRAISE GOD!!!! I told his aunt that I had sent this prayer request and she wanted me to make sure that I sent the report to you.
Thanks for the update on Noah. We continue to make war in the heavenlies.
God Bless!!!
Hey Jason & Ade!
We continue to pray for Noah every day. I think you guys are awesome and have great faith!
We have one prayer request at this time: We are pregnant with our first (it’s a girl by the way) and we are excited, scared, intimidated, overjoyed…all kinds of emotions. We are praying for a perfect delivery, on time and without incident. She is due in February.
We love you guys and pray God’s blessing on your entire family!!
Probably like so many I didn’t want to “burden” you with my needs which seem like nothing compared with what you’re going through . . . but then I realized I’m robbing you of another opportunity to reap and sow.
I click into your site several times a day in hope of getting an update. God has so burdened my heart for your little son. I believe He is teaching me more about intercession as I pray for him.
Reading and praying over the prayer requests in the comment section from your last post makes me want to figure out how to use this blogging vehicle to mobilize this generation of young people to band together in “one HUGE prayer meeting” on behalf of our nation and the world.
Please pray for me to have His wisdom and guidance in such an endeavor. Thank you for your prayers. Your family has so touched my heart.
Hi Jason and Adrienne
This is Mariellen. We just recently, within the last week or so, found out about little Noah!! We were shocked to hear about all of his struggles and you have all been on my mind constantly. Mark and I are praying for your strength and courage and the same for little Noah. We will keep checking in to see how you are all doing.
Our family is doing well. Janey just turned two and is quite proud that she can hold up two fingers to show you. Caroline is almost 7 months and is lots of fun. Mark is now writing her back into the will after she cried for the first 4 months of life. He is just kidding about that. He loves her like crazy. Mark loves his job here in Fall Creek and is doing some coaching this year. I am at home with the girls and have 20 piano and voice students. That keeps us busy. We are also just starting to build a log house on some land that we bought last spring. “Deer haven” as Mark calls it! It is beautiful.
You can pray for us as we go through the building process. It is sure to stretch us all as a family.
We love you guys and are praying for God to do amazing things in and through your family! Mariellen
Adrienne and Jason,
Hello my name is Christopher Bartella. It is amazing how God works through people to help others. Wendy Coward asked me to go to your blog and contact you. I found out about Noah from Wendy’s mother Torrey Maxwell, whom I met on a plane to Alaska last week. Your son’s story and existence are amazing. It is truly incredible how powerful prayer is.
Recently, the scientific world made an amazing discovery of something that God has privided to help your son be healed! I’ve started a non-profit organization that provides this discovery to medically fragile children, free of cost. I would love to meet with you guys and share the information I have and get your son on this technology if you’re open to it. I am in North Carolina at a biblically based life-mastery seminar this weekend. I will be back in Denver on Monday October 9th. If you would like to contact me in the meantime, my direct number is 720-217-6798.
It’s great how positive you are about your’s and your son’s situation. I love the book of Proverbs, there is so much wisdom in it. So I’ll leave you with this for today; Unrelenting disappointment leaves your heart sick, but a sudden breakthrough can turn your life around. Proverbs 13:12