Wow! How on earth do students in Seoul know about Noah?! Thanks for your prayers! Today the CDC in Atlanta confirmed that Noah does not have the botulism bacteria in his stool sample, but there are two bacterias growing that they have yet to confirm. (This is follow up testing to the tests they performed weeks ago when the mice died from bacteria in Noah’s stool…) We continue to wait for more test results and answers… Noah continues to win hearts left and right. For a guy who can’t even talk, he sure is smooth!
Em starts preschool tomorrow morning. I’m mixed about it because, in our family, it’s not just preschool, she’s beginning 20+ years of schooling, most likely! She’s excited one minute but sad the next. Obviously under the circumstances, there are mixed emotions, but once she’s there, I know she’ll love it.
Noah has had a bit of a cold, I think, because he has been coughing and sneezing quite a bit, but doesn’t have a lot of boogies. Because he’s on the respirator, we can’t hear him cry or cough or sneeze or anything. It’s like a silent movie.
Thank you for your continued generosity and support. Please continue to spread the word about Noah. I have always been so in awe of the way God makes this big earth feel like a small world by connecting people in heart. We love you all and want you to know we pray for you as God leads us. Until later…
12 Responses
This is your sister. We’ve been reading the blog. So now you know for sure that you can love your second, third, etc., child as much as your first – was there any doubt?! We prayed for Noah today during our staff meeting and he is still on the prayer chain. Dan’s mom, Lola, called tonight to get the update on Noah so I read from the blog. This is a great idea. Saw on blog Bono pic. Did I tell you we watched an interview he did for our Leadership Summmit? It was inspiring and humbling to see how he uses the gifts, including celebrity, that God has allowed him to reach people and raise awareness about hunger, AIDS, and poverty in Africa. Kind of like in the book of Esther – she was elevated to the kingdom for just such a time. When I heard him speak about Africa I thought of Noah and you and Jason – you are getting a glimpse of what those mothers and fathers experience daily – only there are no doctors or technology for those children. We are truly blessed and truly humbled by God’s gift of geography. We continue to pray for you all. Uncle Dan continues to hold a special place for Noah and speaks up in prayer for him at all manner of occasions. We love you all! XOXOXOXO Ashley
Hey there,
We can’t wait to see you all. We should be there in about a week to visit and ‘share the love’. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers.
Much love Rock and Kim
Hello Friends,
We continue to spread the word about Noah and ask that people pray along with us as we pray for you all. May the miracle we long for happen soon!
As for Miss Emily, I hope she has a great first day of preschool! Abby started last week and is loving it.
We went to LifeLight festival this past weekend and heard Casting Crowns. Their music is so awesome!They told a story about a little girl who was fighting cancer and from that experience came this song. I’m sure you are familiar with it, but I thought I would share the lyrics with you.
“I was sure by now God You would have reached down And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say “Amen”, and it’s still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
“I’m with you”
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I’ll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can’t find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
“I’m with you”
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The maker of Heaven and Earth”
I’ve sent hugs along with Darin from me and the kids. I am glad that he will have the chance to be with you and meet Noah, but I really wish we all could have come. So please know that you are never far from my thoughts and prayers – they go up like arrows every time I think of you.
With love, Julia
hello i have just read your blogs and i am inspired by you.! i have two sons and my oldest boys was in ch of colorado about 3 years ago and i was so amazed by the nurses and docs my son spent a total of three days there. one was in the icu and the next where in the ccu he had to have open heart surgery. but enough about me. i will pray for your little one and pray that you all get to go home soon. but please remember one thing god never gives us more then we can handle. be it more tests or sleep less night he is there and he is holding noah in his hands.there is a email that got that is called the smell of rain. i think that you would love it it talks about a little girl that was really sick and the docs told her parent that she would not live. but tho the grace of god she did. the story told us that when she was about 4 years old they were at he big brothers game and it smeeled like rain and she said to her mom do you smell that and mom said yes it smells like rain and the little girl looked at her mom and said NO IT SMELLS LIKE HIM! mom said who and the little girl said GOD just at that moment mom relized that god was holding her in his arms the intire time she was sick. my prayers are with you and the rest of the familys there. pettee
Still praying for a miracle for Naoh. Hope to see you all back in South Dakota some day by the way. Just felt like throwing that in today.
Jason and Adrienne,
Shelly and I have been reading and praying for Noah and also you and Jason. What a cute boy. We are praying for a miracle.
I’m having Graves withdrawl. I will be up on Friday. I’ve been getting updates from the grandmas. 🙂 At CBS today, we were learning about Paul’s transformation from Pharisee to Apostle. I never knew that God worked on him for SEVENTEEN years before he sent him out to fulfill his purpose. It is impossible to know what God is training you guys up for, but it must be something HUGE! When I look at Noah, I see a miracle. I believe with my whole heart that he will regain his strength. He is already such a testimony to the power of prayer.
I love you.
The students in Seoul know of Noah because their teacher knows David Friedersdorf. I shared with them one day when we were praying and read some of the blog to them. They now pray for Noah every day both in the morning and at lunch. And the first thing they ask me about is Noah when they walk in the door each day. They ask if I have checked the blog for new information and how Noah is. I just feel blessed to see how God is touching your lives as He also touches my students. You are in our prayers. May the abundant love of Christ fill you and surround you today.
Prayerfully in Him, Miss Morton
We are praying for “baby Noah” as my kids refer to him, in South Africa. You all have defintely been on our hearts and in our daily prayers.
Rich and Michelle Franzen
Love you guys, Just wanted to say hang it there and I am thinking and praying for you!
Just wanted you to know that one more person is praying… I lost a baby in March, and even going thru that, I can’t imagine what you are going thru… you have my prayers for strength, and for Noah’s health. May He bless you with every spiritual blessing. I know that at times like this, the verse that says that He doesn’t give us more than we can handle seems like it just couldn’t be true…like God is testing that one a little too much. But we aremore than conquerors! And God isn’t the instigator anyway, is He? May your story and Noah’s story of survival be an inspiration to millions as they are drawn to our Creator…
Bless you…
Thinking of all of you tonight…praying for restful sleep for all 4 of you. May you know what it means to be held….