(I am working on listening to God, sitting with Him, closing my eyes and opening my heart to whatever I sense He is saying to me, and then hopefully putting into practice, if you will, the life He downloads into me. My series, “Practicing His Presence” comes from the title of a book called, “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence, a 17th century Carmelite monk, who sought to be more mindfully aware of God’s presence in the day to day. Personally, the way I do it as it pertains to writing is set a timer for 5 minutes, sit with my eyes closed at the computer, and type whatever comes to my heart. A theme this year has been His Garden. Often times He’ll remind me of what occurred there and how Jesus renewed the kind of intimacy Adam and Eve had with God, one totally open and completely counter to the way modern practice of religion teaches. Here’s a glimpse of what came today…)

Breathe deep. Stop. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale again. Listen. Watch. Observe. Can you hear My voice? Each moment is a gift, something to open and delight in, to be aware of. I have given you good things. I said it was so. And I’ve modeled this for you, a lifestyle of creating GOOD wherever you go, with whomever you encounter, those I’ve entrusted into your care, those you know in your neighborhood, at work, those you see on the streets. Every single one. Share what you’ve learned from My example…give GOOD away at every opportunity. Make opportunities. Find them. Gather people and share the GOOD. Every person I’ve created in My image, though not everyone knows or believes this, lives it presently, nor gives out the GOOD I’ve created in them to give away. They’ve been overcome by discouragement, hurt at the hands and words of others, darkened by the darkness waiting to envelop any and all of you at any given moment. Your mission isn’t to wield your opinions or rules or religious regulations at one another. Your mission isn’t AT each other, it’s TO each other. Your mission is LOVE, GOOD news, Christ in ALL of you, the hope of glory. Give GOOD away. It’s been freely given to you. It’s not up to you to decide who receives it…I’ve decided that already, and it’s for everyone…so give it away to all you meet…and give GOOD to the one in the mirror, as well.


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