We are headed to Mexico this morning! We fly into San Diego and then drive down to the town we’ll be staying in (It’s called Chorrero? I think!? It doesn’t show up on the map!!!! That’s hard for this geography lover! Anyway…) which is about 4 hours south of Ensenada. I am excited to see what God has in store for us as a family, a team, and for the people we get to meet. I love Mexico, cha cha cha , whether it be for escape or ministry, I love the people I meet there each trip. I love the language, tambien! I am really excited on this trip, however, to watch Em’s eyes and heart be opened to God’s love of people outside our bubble. So, por favor, your prayers for our time this week.

As I was telling people the date of our return, it just kept sticking in my head. We come home on August 2nd. August 2nd?! Why was that significant? Was it someones birthday? I just couldn’t figure out why August 2nd kept staying with me…yes, it’s my paternal grandfather’s birthday, but he passed away in 1987, so I haven’t really thought about it as such in a while…and then it slapped me upside the head the other day…and every emotion, every detail of the event, and each one following…it was the day we took Noah to the hospital for the rest of his life. And here we are, two years later, without him physically, building a house in his memory. His memory! #$%^&* I added my ‘cuss’ line there because I really do wish that he could be there with us, eating dirt, playing with other kids in the orphanage, sweating and taking naps in my arms, playing with his big sis. And as fun as that sounds, I know he’s doing that to the umpteenth degree in Heaven, and time is different, and it’s only my heart that longs for him…but it doesn’t change the fact that my heart always wanted to take ALL my kids on mission trips…PHYSICALLY! August 2nd changed my life forever, period. 2 years later, I hope it will change other’s lives, as well…

Boobie business: We have a dinner winner! Marcie Seery from Arizona is officially the 1st new member of Noah for Knockers! I am so excited to meet her and walk with her for a cure! She’s even trying to recruit one of her friends in Brooklyn! And, I have a couple potential walkers, trying to figure out if they can swing it…Hopefully Marcy will post soon (hint…) about why she’s walking this year!

Keep the list coming! Friday Dana and I did a half-marathon walk. It took us 3.5 hours. It was a long morning. Some hot spots on my feet, feeling at 36 what I should probably feel at 92 in my body, was so sleepy could have slept for hours when I got home, but, BUT, it was such a great time to walk and talk with my sis, to brainstorm, and to pray.

I’m not sure how much access I’ll have to the Internet in Mexico, but I’ll be praying down there, too. Please keep the list growing…and thank you for the names thus far. And, I’m sorry to all of you, whose names represent people you have lost. I am so sorry.

Please pray for a couple fellow bloggers and friends. Jennifer McKinney. McKMama. And for Jody Ferlaak and her family…



8 Responses

  1. How exciting! All our prayers from our family to yours and everyone involved! We will be praying for you guys on the day you return home. I pray that building a home in Noah’s memory fills Jason, Em and yourself with so much love that memories from the 2nd of August won’t sadden your hearts. Noah will be so proud of you all.

    Love Carly and Sam xox

  2. I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years since Noah went to the hospital. Once again, I’m so, so sorry that he is not able to go eat dirt and take sweaty naps in your arms.

    What a special thing to be able to do in Noah’s memory – I can’t wait to hear about the trip, the family that will be blessed by the house, and all the other fun things!

  3. Hey Adrienne…
    I thought of you yesterday as I was listening to Cities 97 on the radio here in the Twin Cities…They are hosting a breast cancer event where you are to bring a bra…they want to gather enough bras to span across the Stillwater bridge! Won’t that be a crazy sight! I’d love it if you would add my Grandma Evelyn and my Unlce Russ to your list…They both died of cancer…They both fought so hard to beat that nasty disease too…I remember that so clearly!
    I’ve also been wondering if you still keep in contact with Nicole Rosetti (I hear she has different married name now)…I’ve been trying to find here but have not come up with anything…if you know anything that would help me out I’d love it if you would email it to me at
    I’d also love to contact Nancy Paulson…she was such a huge blessing to me at NWC…I miss her and it’d be fun to see how she’s doing! Do you think you could send me her email address?
    I know I don’t comment much, but I continue to check your blog and pray for you and your family…I’ll be praying for your time in Mexico!
    Thanks Adrienne
    Jody Chandler (use to be Renner)

  4. I’m sorry to leave this comment in the middle of a very serious post..and I’m sorry if you don’t even participate in things like this, but I really couldn’t resist. I just wanted to send more people your way because you are such a taleted writer and have spoken to me in such great uplifting ways that I wanted to share you with my readers. So if you ever have time, you’ll have to stop by and see what this is all about (the 7.29.08 post btw). Have a great trip – I will be praying for your precious family! (oh, and if you’re not into this, I won’t be crushed).

  5. I also can’t believe it’s been 2 years that I have been following your precious family’s story. I pray that all goes well in Mexico and you return safely.

    I also would like to ask you to add my mother in law Sue Meyer to your list. She has stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer and is only 47 years old. It breaks my heart that my children are going to loose their grandmother in a very short time.

    Also, if I could request some extra prayers for a little boy in Michigan. He is 3 and his family has just found out this week that he has stage 4 cancer. He has a caringbridge site and his name is Cole Ruotsala.

  6. I keep thinking about you guys. We want to come along on the next trip/build!!
    Can’t wait to hear all about it and see the many pics I’m sure you’ve been taking. 🙂
    Lova ya,

  7. I have been thinking about the three of you so much this week … I dream about the house you are building and how Noah is there and I hope you feel him there. He’s proud you are his mommy, and proud his daddy is giving so generously and even his big sis is no doubt contributing to the whole adventure.
    The family who will be living, loving and growing in that house will be a lucky family indeed! How many of us can say we live in a home that was built for purely unselfish reasons?
    Hurry back Adrienne and post LOTS of pictures, okay?

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