My Top Ten (maybe more, maybe less) list for 2009:
- Love God more this year than last…with ALL of me…however that looks!
- Love my family and friends in ways they’ll receive
- Love people that I haven’t even met, and those who don’t want loving
- Be led by God’s Spirit on a day to day basis
- Pray for a hunger in the hearts of women all over this world who have never met God the way He wants to be known
- Celebrate turning 37
- Mourn and remember the days ahead…
- Get my aging body in peak physical condition through nutrition and exercise
- Love my husband the best he deserves
- Go to Africa and/or Mexico with my family to love on people
- Have some great conversations with my sweetie girl about God, love, life, etc…
- Play dollies more
- Help facilitate digging a well in a 3rd world country so a village can have pure drinking water
- Write a book
- Write a Bible Study curriculum
- Sew some pillows for the family room
- Clean my desk
- Take more pictures
- Color on the basement walls with Em
- Iron my 2007/2008 (now 2009) ironing pile (maybe…)
- Sing praise and worship loud in the car (since no one but God really needs to hear me…my noise is a melody to Him)
- Finish painting the interior of the house
- Start own etsy site with partial proceeds to go to Bevy and String of Pearls
- Write more snail mail letters
- Take my vitamins regularly
- Listen
- Continue Lyme’s research
- Simplify, simplify, simplify
- Watch sunrises
- Watch sunsets
- Meet all our neighbors
- …try again…
I encourage you to write a list…not of ‘resolutions’ if you hate that word, but of desires God has placed on your heart…lay them at His feet and trust that what He desires to have come to pass will. I wish you all hope, health and healing in this new year. It’s not necessarily going to look like you want, or I want, but with God at the center of it, it is a life worth living one day at a time. Let God knock your socks off…
9 Responses
I can to your blog via Nate’s. How amazing that your birthday is the same as little Gwen’s.
I would like to stop here and visit again. My blog is:
Thank you for sharing your goals and have a great birthday.
My heart went pitter-patter when I read your last item on the list. 🙂 I’ve been there… it’s an elation like you can never imagine. God’s blessings.
Dear Adrienne,
You have been on my mind so much lately. I have been praying for you in the lead up to Monday. I don’t have the words right now as my heart is pretty heavy. But know that I am thinking of you all.
Sending you love in the lead up to our boys special days.
Carly x
Dear Ade,
I heard a comment from Luis Palau that caught my spiritual attention: “God has no favorites, but He does have some intimates, those who draw near to Him.” I want to draw near to Him each day whether it is a new year or not.
I don’t comment often, but have been thinking a lot about my goals for 2009. I have the list of regulars: lose weight, solid quiet time every day, better communication with friends and family, improve my priorities. I just wrote a post on my blog where I talked about how my word for 2009 is Pure. I want to live a life that is pure in motivation, pure in thoughts and words, and is pure joy.
Thank goodness we serve a God that serves up a ton of grace and mercy because I will fall short many times this year!!
Is it okay that I add you and Jason to my prayers regarding “try again?” If ever there was a family who deserves to be blessed by as many children as He sees fit, you are the poster family!
Prayers in “that area” would be greatly appreciated! When and if I do get pregnant again, I already have thoughts about it…somehow can’t imagine not being nervous for 9 months straight, and then a minimun of 7 months after that…
Adrienne, I prayed about the seven months part too …
You are on my list, started last night. I seldom ask Him for anything, I give thanks for what I have more than I ask for His assistance in my prayers. He is probably wondering “what’s up with her?”
I love your list.
My one word is simplicity–remove every distraction that doesn’t fall into loving God, loving/blessing my family and then love/bless others. It has really helped to streamline my day to day decisions on spending and who/where to commit my time.
Love your heart and pursuit towards Christ!