Jason’s foot is doing great! No surgery necessary. He’s healing like a champ.
Noah’s records still haven’t been received by Dr. Infectious Disease, so I am going to physically go get them myself. I could use a trip to the hospital anyway…
Em’s doing great and enjoying lots of time with all her grandparents this summer, as well as cousins and aunts and uncles. She’s really into Laura Ingalls Wilder’s story and the history of that time. We took her to De Smet for her 6th birthday, the homestead of Pa and Ma and she dressed as a prairie girl. I’ll share pictures of that adventure later. She also loves Sacajawea and Native American Indian history. My friend gave her an “American Girl” doll magazine so Em’s been talking about buying one for two months now. I told her that was a very expensive toy and that if she wanted it she would have to earn it and buy the doll herself. So, she has been saving for ‘Kaya’ the Native American doll. Her story is about 100 years before Laura, but Em is really interested in their culture and, quite frankly, just thinks Sacajawea from ‘Night at the Museum’ is beautiful. So…anyway.
And me, well, I have a constant feeling of wanting to puke, but not being physically nauseous. It’s emotional. I miss Noah a lot and continue to live grief one day at a time. There’s a fine balance of shouldering grief…if I allow it to consume me, I lose my balance. As with anything, I suppose. Yes, there are days that are just fine, but it’s more of my struggle with living on earth when more and more, every day, as I think about how God is SO much bigger and awesome and amazing than my mind can comprehend, I want to live this life with an impact, leave a lasting impression, not for myself, but for the glory of God, for eternal purposes. I do life here and I enjoy it…my family and friends and meeting new people, but I realize each day that more of my heart longs for a place I can’t see. I guess I am just understanding on a small scale what Jesus’ friends must have felt, like Paul writes about, when they walked with him and then he left for real living. I’ll write more on this later.
Anyway, Jason and Em and I are headed on another adventure. Below are some details…
Hello Graves friends and family,
Adrienne, Emily and I have the opportunity to do something that has been on our hearts for a very long time – go on a missions trip as a family and share God’s love with the needy in a foreign country. We are leading a trip for our church to Mexico from July 27th – Aug 2nd. Since ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ is Emily’s favorite TV show, she is very excited for the opportunity to go and build a house for a Mexican family in need. We will be dedicating it in memory of Noah and hope to call it “Noah’s House” – or “Peace House” – this may be the start of something much bigger – who knows?
We have almost 30 people going, and as the group is busy raising funds to cover their travel expenses, I have challenged myself to raise the funds necessary for the actual house build. The cost of the house is $4000, and God put it on my heart that we have enough friends who would want to support this project.
Please pray for our safety. Pray that our group gains the support that we require. Pray that God prepares the hearts of those to whom we will minister. Pray that God strengthens us and fills our hearts with compassion and love, humility and selflessness. We want the Holy Spirit to lead us all on this trip as a family, team, and as individuals.
If you choose to support this project financially and are able to donate toward the materials to build a needy family a home, we would be very grateful as every little bit helps. While the trip is still several weeks out, we need donations to be completed by July 20th so we can buy the materials in advance. You can donate online at www.redrockschurch.com and click online giving in the top right hand corner – please enter “Mexico House Build” in the special considerations box on the first screen.
Adrienne will definitely be posting pictures and updates on her blog at www.noahsteven.blogspot.com.
Thanks for all the support, in every area of our lives!
Love always,
Jason, Adrienne and Emily
I’ll be sharing our adventures from Mexico here on the blog. I hope you’ll all join us in praying for everyone involved, namely that God’s will would be done in spite of our human efforts. Later.
10 Responses
I read your familys blog all the time. So exciting to go on a mission trip with your family. I’ll be praying for you and your family.
-Shannon in Austin
You are living a life with impact Adrienne! More than you may ever know.
All our prayers are with you for the exciting missions trip! I pray as you build “Noah’s House” that Gods Peace consumes your heart.
Thank You for the post and. . .
Much Love,
Carly, Sam, Scarlett and River xox
I personally admire the way you are impacting your world… the continued and steadfast faith in Jesus, come what may, is JUST what He hopes for in us, isn’t it? He can create such beauty when we hang onto Him… and I think the ripple affects of your life, of Noah’s life, and of your whole family are beautiful. I wonder if God would be so gracious as to show you and image of the ripples across the sea of your life one day? If he does, I hope to be there to see just how far-reaching His love was spread, how great the display of HIS glory that we didn’t see on this earth… I’ll be peeking over your shoulder in heaven to watch that display. 🙂
My heart aches to imagine the grief you carry… my heart rejoices to see the way you PURPOSE to not let the grief be carried in vain – but to purpose to make an impact from every bit of your journey. May you sense HIS love all the greater on the hard days.
When I read about your family’s trip to Mexico my eyes welled up. What an amazing opportunity – and to teach Emily in the process! It’s just downright beautiful.
What a great trip! My 13 year old is on a mission trip to New Mexico this week to a do work in a homeless shelter. I will pray for you every time I pray for her.
You ARE making a difference here on this earth! Just thinking of the legacy you are carrying on in memory of Noah and in raising Emily to love the Lord brings tears to my eyes. My family will be praying for you as you travel to Mexico.
Emily looks like she might explode of happiness in that first picture 🙂
Mexico is going to be great, I can’t wait to be there.
I hope day two of VBS is going well, see you soon.
I’m So glad you guys are leading that Mexico trip! I’m thinking how loved a family would feel to live in “Peace House”, or “Casa de la paz”. Of course, the idea of “Noah’s House” is … heartwarming, to say the least.
Also, can I tell you I am so jealous of your De Smet trip? All my life I have wanted to do that tour!
Happy Birthday Emily! My daughter saw your pic pop up and said “mommy – can I be friends with her?” ….she’s three and I would LOVE her to have a friend like you. Keep up on reading LOTS – I think that’s awesome that you love Laura Ingalls books. You have been very blessed to have the mommy & daddy you do – give them hugs and kisses everynight.
We’ll be praying for your mission trip – what a great opportunity to do something for the Lord, as a family.
Happy Birthday to Emily…I still have some for you and her from Korea that I need to get your way.
Anyways, know that you are being prayed for.
I pray that GOD is a part of each moment on this trip: before, during, and after. HE is preparing the way right now. Yes, may HIS Will be done there.
Dear Adrienne,
I pray for you, Jason, and Em every day. God will focus all of our prayers toward Mexico while you are there.
I am thankful for the impact you are continuing to have for God on your blog. You will never know until heaven how many lives/ families you have touched.
Happy birthday to Em. What a joy these special days are. Let me encourage you and your family of readers on your next birthday to write a special note to your Mom and Dad (if they are still living) to thank them for having you.
Milt (I plan to live forever – so far, so good.)