Thank you, everyone for praying! The 12th was a good day, for the most part, but I had a lot on my plate emotionally and responsibility wise, and looking back, wonder why I didn’t stay in bed all day and eat obscene amounts of chocolate:) Just kidding! People asked me if I had planned that The Well start on January 12th. No. Last fall I told the guys at church I thought it would be best to wait until January for a start time because there was just too much going on. They asked what day would work for me, and without looking at a calendar said, “How about the second Monday of each month…” I think for me, it had to start that day because if I were given the option of actually choosing a date, I would have likely avoided the 12th.

I’m single parenting this week because Jason is away for work, so, as a result, Em and I have eaten breakfast for dinner, she’s slept with me each night, and on Monday she got to school about an hour late and then I picked her up early so we could spend some special time together before I had to go to The Well. She thought she was all that and a bag of chips walking out of school early! Every 12th, if school falls on that day, I’m taking her out so she can feel just as special as she did Monday. Her face and demeanor were priceless!

I’m not the best one to ask how it all went because I am my own worst critic, but we had a good turn out of women, about 70+, some I recognized, others not, but all of them…so beautiful! It was a really difficult meeting for me logistically because there was a lot of business to cover and my favorite thing to cover is Jesus: casting the vision, sharing God’s word, information about how to be connected with other women, community outreach, etc. But in all, my prayer is that seeds were planted and hearts stirred to come each month, bring a friend, and be filled by God’s unconditional love.

We are blessed to have a connection through my friend to a resource of inspirational books, so we had a book giveaway (10+) and will hopefully be doing that each month. And, before I left the house the Lord laid it on my heart to give a pair of handmade pearl earrings away each month in honor of my dear friend, and in memory of her sweet, sweet girl! We drew names out of a bag and guess what?! The earrings went to a mom who only shared briefly with me that she almost lost her two children. God is cool how He works out the things we think are ‘small stuff’.

As a result of Monday’s meeting, a team is being formed to coordinate the organization and fundraising to build a well for women in a third world country. I’ll have a link on here soon, and on The Well blog, if anyone here is interested in joining with women all over the world to help provide water for women and their families. How incredible to be able to do what Jesus asked of us and give water to those who are thirsty…cool!

Thanks, again, for your prayers for our family. It was difficult being apart that day, be we made it. Hopefully that won’t ever have to happen again. Really, for me, the anticipation, the leading up to it, is the hardest part…like I’m putting expectations on myself to grieve him more that day than any other day, which, quite honestly, is idiotic! Yes, it’s a good time to stop and reflect, but I miss him all the time, every day, but it’s not debilitating…not when you have Christ living in you, the hope of glory! Anyway, grief is lame! I can’t wait to be done with it one day in God’s presence! I’m sure you feel the same way!



10 Responses

  1. Hey Ade, so wonderful to hear what a great night it was. Thanks for the link to the Well blog. Just wanted to let you know that I find the red font really hard to read over there…not sure how others feel but hope you don’t mind the feedback!

  2. Love you Ade. Glad to hear about the Well, and I always enjoy your perspective. Still think about you often, although I haven’t been out to bloggerville much these daze.

  3. That is fantastic news, 70 women, and you know how us girls like to talk! Each will tell a friend, and so on, and so on (wasn’t that a shampoo commercial?). You can expect more than 70 next month I bet!

    Adrienne, you blow me away by remembering to remember that Em has needs too on the anniversary of Noah’s second birth. I am positive that when she is an adult, she will tell you just how much that meant to her, for you to reach out to her like that—missing some school on a perfectly good school day not withstanding—to remember her baby brother! You are right in that it would be just so much easier to stay in bed and eat comfort foods, but you know your Angel Noah wouldn’t have that.


  4. Adrienne – I have not checked up on your blog in a while and thought of you first thing in the morning on the 12th. I was praying for you all!
    As for The Well! Amazing – 70+ women is a great turnout!
    Take Care!

  5. Louisa, thanks so much for saying something! I changed it to dark brown so hope that shows up better than the red…let me know. We’ll have guest writers over there, so that will be fun! I mean, really, who wants to listen to me everyday:) Thanks for the feedback. Ade xoxox

  6. Erika, glad the grief/lame comment made you laugh…people are always wondering if I’m so, so sad and depressed all the time. I can’t imagine not being able to look grief in the face and laugh some, knowing that the grief we all feel is temporary compared to what lies ahead in eternity. Random thoughts…anyway…

  7. The Well was awesome Ade and YOU ROCK!!
    I loved how unrehearsed and REAL it was, that fact that things/issues were put on the table and laid out there, not fakenesss, not hidden issues & agendas, just REAL stuff!!
    Thank You, thank you for ALL you do!
    And…my friend was the one who won the earrings! She was stunned, and so excited! When we were driving home, she said that she can’t wait until the next month and was thinking about who to invite. Pulling her name out of that bag was SO in God’s plan that night…amazing, just amazing!
    And, you are right, Grief is SO lame, but it is something we all go through for one reason or another, I find it lame too.

    until next time~
    beth in brighton

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