Em and I are little puppies following Jason around on business this week…it just so happens Spring is here, there’s an ocean, palm trees and sunshine and pools. I’m on the hotel computer, but wanted to post a picture of the beach scene, g-rated, to see if anyone could guess where we are (family and friends who know, don’t tell). Since I can’t post pics on this computer, here are some clues. The first one to guess gets a first edition picture painted and signed by the infamous artist, Em, for their very own refrigerator. Here are the clues:
- The other day border patrol busted some people on a boat trying to sneak into the country just south of here.
- There are pine trees and palm trees everywhere.
- There are pieces of coral washed up on the beach.
- The sun sets over the land.
- This is a spring break town, but thankfully we avoided the scantily clad humans by one month.
- Cruise ships stop here.
- There are numerous canals here, dubbing it the “Venice of America”.
- The town was named after a man named William.
- There is an artificial reef off the coast made of tires that has proven to be an ecological disaster, but the local authorities are working to remove it.
Have fun! We’ll see who gets an original piece from Em!
Today we are heading north for another adventure…
10 Responses
Hmmm ~ love the post! Hope you are enjoying your time in …. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida!! ?!?! Am I right?
Many blessings!
Have fun in Ft. Lauderdale!!!
could this be venice california?
heidi jo
have fun!!! 🙂
Hope you having a wonderful time in Fort Lauderdale!
Oh, I completely forgot you’re almost in my backyard!!! 🙂 Sure wish I were a bit closer so we could hook up. Next time, Lord-willing!
I’m glad you posted. Obviously I forgot the travel plans I already knew you had, BUT…I’d been starting to wonder if you’d been thrown in the clink for killing your husband when he got home from his hunting trip! 😉 ha ha
Have a great time in your lovely location!
according to my google search, you are in Ft. Lauderdale, FL – right?? glad you are back together and the adventure of saturday morning is over!! 🙂
Good ol’ google… you’re in Ft. Laurerdale, FL? =) Hope you are having fun!
Hope the weather is great while you are in Ft. Lauderdale!!
Well, I was going to guess Daytona Beach, but everyone else seems a little more sure of themselves!
Hope you’re enjoying your trip!