TEN YEARS! 10 YEARS, guys!
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I started blogging in 2006, first at noahsteven.blogspot.com named after my son who passed away. For a season I blogged about my journey with food, being a latchkey kid, and self-image over at “Confessions of a 2nd Grade Closet Eater,” Now I mainly write here at www.adriennegraves.com
For my 10 year blog-o-versary I have decided to share some video blog posts of things that have been on my heart for a long, long time. And by “a long time” let’s just say, if I keep them inside any longer I may implode.
Written words are beautiful, but one thing I’ve learned whether it’s having hard conversations in relationships, media, religion, politics, and education, among others, we can often miss the written intention of the author when we haven’t also gained eye contact, voice inflection, or facial expressions, to name a few. Part of my goal in posting these video blogs is to create a space where readers can learn more about my heart around the words I’ve shared here for 10 years. Also, I’d love to hear how others are also encouraged to start engaging candidly with the people in their own lives, as a result.
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This particular video is my intro. Some of the “vlogs” will be recorded in my car since I spend a good amount of time in it, so just a heads up to please send me feedback on the sound, if you’d be willing?
I started a YouTube channel because I don’t really know any other way to do this (again, feedback on that would be great, too). The channel address is my name. On this channel I’ll be sharing several segments, a lot of my personal story, my journey as a peacemaker and advocate for women of every age, experiences with theology/scripture/church culture, marriage, friendship, relationships, parenting, exposing fears, insights, mentoring and leadership direction, as well as my unique perspective and story coaching.
Sooooo…here you go…
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I’d love to have you join me for this 10th Blog-o-versary party! You can subscribe to the vlogs on YouTube here or for photos and more narrative, I’ll always post the vlogs here on my blog. You can subscribe to my blog on the right side of this blog’s front page under my photo.
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photo courtesy: pixabay user/MB-fotografie/carnival

2 Responses
Happy Blog-o-versary! Adrienne, I so enjoy hearing your thoughts and dreams – especially in person, but also on your blog. I don’t think I’ve ever finished a conversation with you without feeling encouraged and/or inspired. And man, you ask the BEST questions – I so want to be able to do that! Thank you for sharing bits of your life with me. And dude, that hat is adorable and you totally rock it!
Jess! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. You are so sweet! Also, I can’t wait to follow along on your blog. I’ve enjoyed your posts and the interactive way you write…it’s a fun glimpse into your heart a little 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! xoxox