I love our morning routine…minus trying to put on socks and shoes, but other than that, Jason and I usually tag team jumping in bed with Em for a few minutes and nuggling, as we call it, as we convince her it’s time to leave the comfort of her warm bed to get up and get going for school. Then, I head downstairs to start breakfast and the packing of her lunch while Jason patiently puts the pressure on for her to get dressed and brush her teeth. He comes down a little before her usually and helps tag team the rest of the food preparations. Then, her royal hiney, her majesty Em, Princess of Graves-ovia, bellies up to the counter next to her daddy, looks at him and points incessantly at “The Picture Bible” and says, “Read, Read, Read!”. Then, Jason commences to read chapters on end because every time he stops he hears, “More, More, More!” (Her favorite story is God’s faithfulness to the Israelites, beginning with Joseph and his brothers, his time of slavery and then favor in Egypt, and then on into the story of Moses and God leading His people to the promised land)

And, because the three of us have never been known for our speed, one of us drives her to school since our morning bus attendance record is approximately 1:100…it’s alright. We have other strengths! Besides, we use the car time to finish getting “dressed”.

Notice my sweet girl lost one of her top teeth!

So, on this particular morning…

…as Em sat down to breakfast, she looked at her cup of orange juice…the cup that I stirred Nordic Naturals Children’s DHA Natural Triglyceride Form Omega-3 Supplement Made From 100% Arctic Cod Livers *Supporting memory, learning, and visual development with a “Great Strawberry Taste!” into.

Em: Why is there oil floating all over the top of my orange juice?
Me: (Innocently…) Huh? What?!
Em: Did you really think you could just slip that greasy fish oil into my orange juice without me noticing, Mom?
Jason: (Smiling at me, trying not to crack up altogether…) Don’t knock it until you try it.
Me: Em, will you please just drink it? Let’s not waste this cup, but if you don’t like it hidden in your “Magic Orange Juice” (calcium enriched) then you can go back to taking it directly from a spoon…
Em: Oh, alright, I’ll try it!

And miraculously she got it down without any complaints. We’ll be switching to tablets once this bottle is gone. Apparently I’m not as savvy as Seinfeld’s wife…and neither is the “Great Strawberry Taste!”



10 Responses

  1. You have such a beautiful family~ You are such an amazing woman . I am so blessed to have met you.. I allready love you and we just met.. we are gonna have a fabulous friendship. I cant wait to meet your family and Noah someday. God sure is blessed to share Heaven with such a special boy.. He knows what he is doing.. thank you.. You inspire me and cant wait to share in the journey. Making memories to share in the world.. Love You Girl.. You Rock… Love Pinki

  2. LOL you should know better than to sneak that into Em’s juice. That girl is too too clever.
    And I’m with Em. Ick fish oil! Gimme the pill and have done with it!

  3. Hey Adrienne! Cute, CUTE story!!

    That is funny…Mia takes something simiar, but it is lemon-flavored so it masks the fishy tasty. She takes Carlson’s Norwegian Cod Liver oil (lemon flavored) every morning in a little tylenol cup (1 tsp). The stuff is amazing…and is great for inflamed joints.

    Speaking of joints and health….did I tell you that my niece has Lyme Disease as well? She was “officially” diagnosed after a tick bit her back in June. They didn’t even have to do the Western Blot because the first test came back positive for Lyme. The did end up doing the WB test…and 9/10 markers were positive for Lyme.

    (p.s. sorry for the delete…I was logged in on another account). 🙂

  4. Jackson loves his Picture Bible! The other night I had tucked him and said goodnight and then I thought I heard some rustling upstairs, so I went to check on him. He had put his nightlight on and was sitting up in bed, reading his Picture Bible. As my heart squeezed tight, I asked him what he was doing and he said, “Mom, I just wanted to read some more of my comic book Bible. I just love it so much.” No objections here!

  5. I wish I had enough time in the morning to do all of that! Craig has to be to work by 6:00 so that leaves me getting myself ready and then getting the kids up and out the door! That is so funny that she noticed the oil right away! She is a quick one and a cute one too!

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