I walked laps around my parents’ neighborhood, looking, hoping, praying for a sign…pleading for a miracle […]
When I told my husband I wanted to encourage people during this worldwide pandemic, he told […]
Remembering you're still alive might be the most beautiful memorial you could ever offer after the loss of a loved one.
Commit to yourself to make ONE healthy change in your lifestyle. It may seem Tortoise-ish, but consistency and slow and steady win the race.
It’s been 5-6 years since we sent out Christmas cards, but it’s happening this year! WHAT?! […]
The birth of the Christ reminds us of our first identity as the Children of God.
I am a child of God. Born from above. Born-again, not of the desires of mankind, […]
The Woman at the Well, The Message//Remix
“You hate the Bible.” Recently someone said this to me. It was interesting…more intriguing, really, to […]
On the 4th of July, when I was a little girl, I remember decorating my tricycle […]
As a writer, many random thoughts cross my mind on any given day. Here are some […]
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