It is Friday, 9:30am, 8/11/06. I just talked with Adrienne and she is off to do some research on the natural side of things as far as what it could be that Noah isn’t taking well. Up to arriving at the hospital a little over a week ago, all Noah had ever had was her breast milk and unlike with Emily, she didn’t feel like Noah and she were compatible.
Ade’s sister Dana is at the hospital with Noah, and Jason is getting some work done at home. Noah’s present condition is he has stabilized in the PICU at Denver Children’s Hospital. His vitals continue to be good. The attending physician has asked for phone calls to follow up on the tests sent out to see if any results are back. They are looking for both genetic metabolic disorders and leukodystrophies, conditions pertaining to the white matter of the brain.
Please pray today that Noah would not have any of the leukodystrophies at all! Please pray he would be able to sleep well, is comfortable and for continued strength for both him, the family and all those helping at this time. Thank you for your concern!
Adrienne’s friend, Rachel
4 Responses
Grave’s family – Thank you for sending us the info on this website. We continue to pray for strength for Noah and family during this time as the doctors continue their work. Noah is blessed to have a wonderful family to love and support him during this time.
Jason Rudolph
Hey Jason and Adrienne. This is Jennie Pendley in Watertown. Craig and I are praying that God will work a miracle in little Noah and the doctors will find that he is just fine and be able to send him home. We are also praying for strength for your family and a peace in your lives. We can’t imagine what you are going through but we wanted to let you know we are thinking of you guys, and praying for you all. Blessings to you and keep us posted on what you find out. God Bless!
Thanks Adrienne for the blog. It is good to know how to pray for you. We had a baby boy about a month after you this summer, so the things you are going through are touching us in a special way. Please keep us posted. We pray for wisdom of the physicians and peace (and rest) for your family.
Erin Reynolds and family
I love you Adrienne and am praying for you, Jason, Emily, and Noah…Katie (Kerper) Powell