These pictures were taken by Sara Lazio when Ryan was about 3 weeks old. He’s already pushing 11 weeks! I just wanted to post these so you could see her great work and God’s amazing creation!

He coos.
He smiles.
He looks at me.
He smells like a slice of Heaven.
He sneezes cute.
Heck, even when he toots, it’s the most adorable thing in the world! Em wants to know why it isn’t cute when she does it anymore…
And as I hold Ryan and nibble on his fingers, toes, ears, cheeks and nose, my heart is so full, so grateful he’s different than Noah…and at the same time, because of Noah, I pray for the moms and dads out there that don’t have teeny, tiny fingers and toes to nibble on this morning…and I pray for God’s healing to take place in their hearts…and for His peace to replace despair…and for Hope in His will, and comfort in His arms to be all that you need today, and as the days ahead approach.
I just wanted you to know that your pain is on my heart and I am praying for you…I do not take my newborn for granted…I am so sorry for your loss.



6 Responses

  1. He’s more than beautiful Adrienne.

    In a recent conversation we were talking about the joy and pain everyone deals with daily. We have much to be thankful for yet pain is apart of this world.

    May our hearts always be sensitive to those that need a hug, a prayer, or a listening ear.

  2. Amazing photos of your little man. It just makes me want to hold and kiss him on those sweet cheeks.

    Tell Em my boys want to know why it’s not cute to toot anymore, also.

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