Check this out:

Click on: Mom marks one year anniversary of son’s death

Here’s the transcript:,0,1145518.story?coll=kwgn-home-2

I’ll post pictures of our before and after shots soon. I actually didn’t personally take pictures because I was walking around, looking at my friends cutting their hair off to remember Noah and humbly thanking God for blessing me with such wonderful women in my life…

Jason and Em and I had a good day together with family and friends. We received many cards, emails, beautiful floral bouquets, and loving gifts. We are so thankful so many were celebrating Noah’s first year in heaven along with us. One gift we received wrecked me, but in a wonderful way…Jason’s sister sent ‘The Velveteen Rabbit’ book along with a sweet little stuffed rabbit. It was the first time I really saw that story for what it is worth. Of all days, yesterday should have been the day to start wearing waterproof mascara, but why start now?!

As far as one year goes, the reality is, it is just another measure of time. I didn’t miss Noah more yesterday than I had the day prior or less than I will in 3 weeks from now. One thing, however, that was poignant were the vivid memories of what we were doing minute by minute one year ago. Everything from our photo sessions to Jason and I sleeping with Noah between us his last night, and then our last night in the hospital with him, lying still amongst his stuffed animals, free from all of his wires and tubes, was fresh in my mind.

The irony is that the reality of this whole journey is often surreal. The further I get from the day he died, I have to pinch myself and ask God if Noah was really here or if that was all some strange dream in bizarro world. I know it sounds weird. I am sure anyone who has experienced a loss feels the same way at times. Anyway, celebrating the day Noah entered eternity by cutting our hair to help other sick kids and children with cleft palates…well, I don’t think Noah would have wanted it any other way.


17 Responses

  1. I sent your video clip to some friends. That was awesome. Noah continues to make an impact on lives around the world. Thank you again for sharing your life with us.

  2. Noah continues to make his mark on this world! The donations to locks of love and operation smile are a wonderful tribute to your sweet boy.

    The video clip was great!

  3. So nice that your local TV station covered this beautiful story and that so many participated in Noah’s honor. What an amazing and inspirational mom you continue to be to your children (and to all of us)!

  4. How fun to hear your voice! I’ve only seen you in still pictures; it’s cool to hear the voice, that goes with your face. Erika 🙂

  5. AWESOME! What a great tribute and what a beautiful way to share Noah’s story even more!

    I agree, it was sweet to hear your voice.

    What a testimony…..

  6. That was so amazing! I’m so glad everyone who saw that news cast was able to be touched by your journey. It’s so amazing how Noah continues to touch so many lives!!

    I’m so proud of all who donated their hair.

    Thinking of you always…cb

  7. Ade,

    I loved the news story. Y ou guys are still in our thoughts and prayers. Brenna and I will grow our hair out and start planning for next year!

    Amand and Ry

  8. It will be 18 years that my dad has been gone on March 15th. He died the day before his 48th birthday. I still miss him alot, but I found a poem, I typed it up and put a picture of him in the corner of it and have it hanging on my wall. Here is the poem..
    Remember Me

    Remember me when flowers bloom
    Early in the spring
    Remember me on sunny days
    In the fun that summer brings

    Remember me in the fall
    As you walk thru the leaves of gold
    And in the wintertime ~ remember me
    In the stories that are told

    But most of all remember
    Each day ~ right from the start
    I will be forever near
    For I live within your heart

    I think of you often and your family is always in my prayers.


  9. The news clip was awesome!! I am so thrilled that so many of your friends were able to donate to a very worthy cause! Little Noah is still very much in my heart, mind and prayers!

  10. Oh wow. I don’t even know you, but as your sister in Christ I am SO proud of you and how you have allowed the Lord to use you and your precious boy! I watched the video with tears in my eyes. Amazing.

  11. i sit here with tears in my eyes, i have follosed your blog since before Noah died. I dont think I ever signed, but as I watched the report tonight I felt compelled to sign. You are an amazing family.

  12. I love that they did a news story on you guys!

    The 12th was my mom’s birthday, and I was thinking about you all day. I’m so glad you had friends and family around you.


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