…and he just thought he was getting up to have a yummy bottle. Little did he know that he’d be getting a taste of his very first vittles…
Super cool dude race car bib made for Ry especially by his Nana…
…looking around, curious as to why I hadn’t given him a bottle quite yet…
Sweet potatoes.
Big sis did the honors.
She had begged me to be the first one to feed him and she did a great job!
(*notice the chubby wrists…I chew on them daily…I personally think they are fabulous)
He more or less made out with his spoon, but did get some food down…
…and what he didn’t get off the spoon, he just sucked off his super cool dude race car bib.
The above pictures reveal why I no longer wear white t-shirts as my wardrobe of choice 🙂
7 Responses
lol sooo cute!i know exactly what you mean – i, too, have stayed away from any white in my wardrobe =)
he is so beautiful! sweet pot. were a fav. here too. but they made it difficult to get the tart fruits to go later.
don’t you love the bumbo? have kids over a long enough period of time, and they come out w/ so much awesome stuff :o) (trust me, i know!)
elli is almost two and still has chubby wrists, and i love them too.
Ryan has the most beautiful eyes. The girls’ll be swooning.
Oh my gosh! If I haven’t announced it already, I officially love him! He is incredibly handsome. And I’m sure he will make a fantastic son-in-law for me one day 😉
…And the last pic is my favorite. I had to go back and re-look at it. Em is becoming more beautiful by the day! She looks like a fantastic big sister. Much love to all of you! 🙂
He is so cute! I love how Em wanted to be the first to feed him. How sweet.
Ade….Ryan is absolutely perfect! What a blessing both he and Emily are! xoxo ~ Tara