A shrinking brain, a chicken, and a fire marshall…
Yesterday when Dr. Brian asked us what we wanted him to do for us and we mentioned some alternative processes, he shared a story about a Haitian boy named Enrico, the only other person he’s met while practicing medicine, with a shrinking brain. He told us that they had come to the same place with Enrico that they are with Noah…there’s nothing they can do. He was a resident at the time and wanted to help the parents feel as though they had tried everything they could do for their son by pulling a few strings for them. They wanted a voodoo witch doctor to come in and perform a ceremony with Enrico. This included candles, chants, dancing and even sacrificing a chicken. He even convinced the fire marshall to turn off the sprinklers in the room so they could burn the candles. Jason and I listened as Dr. Brian told us the story, obviously his point being he’ll try to pull every string imaginable for Noah and our desire for care. After he was done, I informed Dr. Brian that a chicken wasn’t necessary, but that Jesus Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for Noah 2000 years ago. We didn’t want a witch doctor because we only believe in the true God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and that candles just aren’t necessary, although they’d provide a nice atmosphere…

I had to share this story with you guys because I want to warn you about spiritual things. Jesus said that a time was coming when true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. Living in Colorado, believe me, there are a lot of people aware of spiritual things, but they are not from the Holy Spirit of God. We’ve seen it even in “the church”. Read Ephesians 6. I pray that your eyes would be opened to see what is truly going on in the earth today. I pray that your heart would be softened to God’s desire to love you EXTREMELY and that your life would be transformed from this day forward. When we are desiring to integrate “traditional” with “alternative” medicine, please know, it’s not hocus pocus, it’s not worshipping the creation but the Creator, it’s not even listening to my “inner man”. Our Director is the Holy Spirit of God. Period. Our Doctor is the Great Physician. Our Healer is Jesus Christ who bore our sickness, disease, and sin. Whoever reads this, wherever on the face of this earth, make no mistake that is Who we trust, and to Him we give the glory!




6 Responses

  1. AMEN!!!!!! You are at the goal line and the victory will soon be WON!!!!
    Will be fasting and praying on Oct. 31st as well.


  2. I agree about not being able to shout it loud enough. It took all I had to be patient today at church until I had an opportuntiy to speak out my Praises to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God spoke so loudly through Scripture, I wanted to just Praise Him and tell Him how much I loved Him. Then after a long, wonderful amazing day meeting the Risen Christ I come home to read your blog. Thanks for blessing me, I have been in prayer with my students that God would open the eyes of His people. This will really bless those 4th Graders tomorrow. You are continously in our prayers. Praise Jesus and shout to the Lord.

    Prayerfully seeking Him,
    Kimie (aka Miss Morton in Seoul)

  3. AMEN and AMEN!
    Hi Adrienne. I have been reading your blog for Noah for a while now. I am a friend of Molly’s and am so looking forward to meeting you in Kansas City. Thank you for following Jesus whole-heartedly. Thank you for your complete surrender to His Lordship in this situation. Thank you for trusting Him with your precious little Noah. I need to see this kind of faith and trust in action, and I know so many others do, too. God is using you mightily. You are a blessing to me. To God be the glory! –tasha

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