Noah’s MRI with spectroscopy went smoothly today. We don’t have results yet but hope to tomorrow. He was sedated with chlorohydrade which knocks him out pretty good, so has been a sleepy guy all day, but now he’s awake…hospital living will do that to you. Days and nights often get reversed. Anyway…
The last couple of times I’ve worked out at 24hr, there’s been this Johnson & Johnson commercial on about nurses. I have to tell you that each time I see it I have to choke back the public display of emotion because it really gets me deep in the heart. Noah’s nurses the last 12 weeks have been nurturing, patient, loving people who have genuinely cared for Noah. Everybody give a cheer for the nurses! And, if you are one and you’re reading this…you are a blessing and we thank God for you!
I’ve got to go to bed because my nights and days are a little off, too! I’ll post more tomorrow. Dios le bendigan!
2 Responses
it’s so good to hear that you’ve had wonderful nurses! I’m in nursing school and work at a hospital. With all the expectations and the labor shortage, sometimes it’s hard to know that we make a difference. thank you!!
I’m just praying you find answers. Thanks for the plug for nurses. I know I feel so blessed every day that I get to be a nurse. I have a job that allows me to change lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.