In an attempt to increase my fiber intake and be an uber-healthy woman, I’ve been eating flax seed and psyllium…

Em: Mom, why does it smell like ‘zoo’ in here?!

Thanks, kid! Thank You, Lord, for sending children into our lives to keep us humble…thanks, a lot!



5 Responses

  1. Haha, that IS cute! Amen, thank you Lord for kids and their wonderful “take” on things…a while back, my then 3 year old and I were standing in line together at the grocery store. We began to smell a pretty foul smell I must say, and then she looks up at me and sniffs really loud then says “Mom, you poop??!” as loud as day and with a wrinkled nose to boot. I looked at her and said “No, munchkin I DID NOT poop!” and giggled to myself. Aaaah kids, gotta love them! 🙂

  2. Well, Adrienne, if I’m not mistaken, a while back here, I think that you prayed something like, “Oh God, please humble me.” So, kids can really do that job, every time. I know, I have been through it…..I’ve had 3 daughters, each one with their own way of working God’s humility into me….and one grandson, who has helped to “ice the cake”!!! Love, Mom

  3. Dear Adrienne, I am not speaking of Noah in regards to “icing the cake”. He actually helped me to partake of a “slice of the cake” by helping me understand God’s “peace that passes all understanding.” Actually, (as you and Em would say!!!) Em has also helped to heap the icing on the cake of life’s school of learning for me…for which I am eternally grateful to God! Love, Mom

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