“Look, Fred, she’s gotten her boobies!”


“Oh, and they are so perky!”

The first person to tell me the name of the movie, including the main actress, from the quote above wins a very special prize! This isn’t any old prize because it is my very own Avon Breast Cancer Marathon t-shirt, signed and redesigned, sent to me for the upcoming walk in NYC, October 4th and 5th, 2008.

You see, everyone has breasts. Men do. Women do, as well. Kids, too. They come in all shapes and sizes and point in every which way. Some people name theirs. Others don’t pay them much attention. Some wish theirs were: bigger, smaller, perkier, rounder, flatter, equally distributed. Others wish theirs looked like someone else’s. Some are physically supported by wires and spandex while others hang freely (to their waists, hee hee). Some resemble pancakes…others mosquito bites…while still others, softballs or in some cases, basketballs!

Some have small scars from incisions. Others have scars from where they have been removed entirely. Reminders of biopsies. Reminders of the unknown. Reminders of dark times, but at the same time, reminders of hope, healing, and finding a cure. Some people’s reminders are only memories because the person they loved is no longer breathing the air we breathe here on the earth. Reminders that, at that time, there was no cure…

No matter the scenario, we all have breasts. No matter if you don’t have breast cancer, there are millions of people who do. There are millions of people that have thousands of diseases. We could all walk for one cause or another to help find cures to different diseases. I do not have breast cancer and Noah did not die of breast cancer. No one knows why he died, so I cannot walk for his cure…But I do have legs…and presently, I have breasts. I am grateful that I have legs that work, so on October 4th and 5th, in New York City, my sister, Dana, who is the “Walking Queen”, and I will walk a marathon and a half (yes, for all you mathematicians, if you just did the math, that is 26.2 miles + 13.1 miles = 39.3 miles) to raise support and awareness for further breast cancer research and study. Our team is currently called: “Noah for Knockers: Saving them 2 by 2” but if ANYONE else would like to join our team, and you are a bereaved parent, as well, we would consider changing our name to something else catchy! (God save the Breasts; Heavenly Breasts; Babies love Boobies; etc.) We would LOVE for some bloggers, or whoever, out there to join us on this adventure, either through going to our team site and financially contributing, praying for us as we train and pray for people (when I walk I have been praying specifically for a missionary named Cathrin Osterhus in Austria who has just been diagnosed), OR joining our team, physically, no matter where you live, and walking with us through the streets of New York City! We could name our team: “Bloggers for Boobies!” You may think I am joking, but I am totally serious!

Also, if you are interested in joining our team, please email me and I will give you specific details and our password in order to get started.

I realize that some are offended that I would walk for an event sponsored by Avon since they financially support organizations that I, or you, do not endorse, but I must say a few things to that…If I boycotted every group that sponsored or endorsed an organization with which I did not share their beliefs, I would no longer be able to shop at any major grocery store, department store, or T*arget or W*almart, or natural grocer. Also, if I were ever diagnosed with a disease like breast cancer, I would want to know that research had been done on my behalf for my potential cure, and to call upon their resources. And finally, I can’t make everyone happy. It’s not my job. It’s not my job to discriminate against people, it’s my choice to love. Breasts are donned on every kind of human. Mean, nice, kind, selfish, loving, hateful, angry, prideful, hopeful, generous…All I know is, I’m enjoying the training process and discipline because it gives me time to pray for my heart to be changed and my eyes to be fixed on my eternal prize of Heaven.

I really hope you will join me somehow!

(Yes, FYI, I just learned how to ‘add a link’ if you couldn’t tell…)



16 Responses

  1. Congratulations, Baylee’s Mommy! You did win! When my race is over, I will send you my t-shirt with my final time written on it, too! (I’ll need an email from you with your address eventually…) Yay! Thanks for playing! Now, are you going to join the team:)

  2. WHOO HOO!
    Good luck on the marathon (and a half..WOW) I will be thinking of you guys during the walk..HOWEVER since I am all the way down in the southern state of TN I don’t think I can make the trip to NY 😉

  3. Darn, I knew the movie and actress before I even read anything after the quote…Congrats baylee’s mommy!

    Oh did you bring back a memory for me on this one….One of my nicknames in high school was “skeeter” because they said my breast weren’t any bigger than mosquito bites! So reading this entry made me smile. Though I had numerous nicknames through out my high school years and college for that matter.

    I have a big guy, Kong(140 pound, 4 year old Great Dane), in my life that I am fostering at the moment. We take at least 3 walks a day to potty….so, I will make it a point to pray for you all on our walks, as well as for those with breast cancer.

  4. Hi Adrienne,
    Somehow I missed the New York location. That is very exciting. I know I shouldn’t be fatalistic but with my family history, I don’t think of “if”it happens but “when”. My dear friend from college has breast cancer and we are exactly the same age so it really hits close to home. She is doing the three day walk http://08.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/TwinCitiesEvent?pg=personal&fr_id=1191&JServSessionIdr009=ahumz2ygz1.app321b&fr_id=1191&px=1809465

    I am doing a donation for her silent auction in Aug. so maybe we can do some things to raise money for this disease. Let’s talk when you get back from Mexico and we can brainstorm 🙂

  5. Aahhh! I was going to answer, “Sixteen Candles & Molly Ringwald” so there it is but I get that I’m late. I haven’t even read the whole post…I hit ‘comment’ first.

    Okay, now back to the post.

  6. Thanks for the post Adrienne- I have been reading your blog for a long time but never post- but I am currently fighting breast cancer. Had a mastectomy in March and am 5 out of 6 treatments through chemo. I finish chemo August 7 and will find out soon if I have to have radiation. Keep up the good work and please add me to your prayer list!


  7. Please pray for Kristy, you guys! Kristy, thank you for sharing! I will add you to my page for people I am walking for! If you want to shoot me an email with any more information, I’d be glad to include that! You are brave! Love, Ade xoxox

  8. Good Luck! A group of HS friends and myself did the 3 day walk here in MN for our friend who passed away at the age of 30 leaving behind a great husband and the most adorable 4 year old. The most rewarding experience I’ve had besides becoming a mother. I support anyone that goes above and beyond to help others…no matter what the organization may be affiliated with or if you agree or disagree with it. YOU ROCK for going above and beyond to help others..good luck! I’ll keep checking back to see how it goes!!

  9. Wish I could join you but will be sending prayers from KY. I am a breast cancer survivor…diagnoised at the age of 33 last Sept…had a double mastectomy with reconstruction via a tram flap the end of Oct. I praise God we caught it early enough that I didn’t have to have ANY treatments. By the way…I had no family history and supposedly had a less that 1% chance of getting breast cancer. We MUST know our bodies and do those MONTHLY self exams. I actually found a lump on my right side, went in for a mammo and the cancer was actually in my LEFT side and it couldn’t be felt. How’s that for God taking care of me?

  10. Sixteen candles/Molly Ringwald….uh I’m always five minutes too late….and it her grandmother touching her boobs, with he grandfather watching……can i get one too =]

  11. I just came across your blog today and spent most of the day reading about your sweet Noah. Thanks for sharing your story. Your faith is amazing. I admire you for that 🙂

  12. Hmmmm… maybe I will walk with you! BABIES LOVE BOOBIES! That was funny. I’m sorry I didn’t call you back yet. I woke up in the middle of the night remembering that I failed to answer your message. BUT the SAG HARBOR card was a riot! I think I have some saggier pictures of myself in a bathing suit.

    Hope your Mexico trip is fantastic.

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