…well, at least in a way that has eternal significance.

I received an article from a friend in the Winter of 1998 from LEADERSHIP magazine written by Fred Smith, who at the time was a business man in Dallas and contributing editor to the magazine (Just want to make sure I’m giving proper credit here…). It’s called, “Conducting a Spiritual Audit: Twelve questions to keep your personal accounts in order.” I get it out every so often and want to share the questions with you here.

  1. Am I content with who I am becoming?
  2. Am I becoming less religious and more spiritual?
  3. Does my family recognize the authenticity of my spirituality?
  4. Do I have a flow-through philosophy?
  5. Do I have a quiet center to my life?
  6. Have I defined my unique ministry?
  7. Is my prayer life improving?
  8. Have I maintained a genuine awe of God?
  9. Is my humility genuine?
  10. Is my “spiritual feeding” the right diet for me?
  11. Is obedience in small matters built into my reflexes?
  12. Do I have joy?

I share this list not to bring judgment on you but to encourage you as it encourages me each time I read it to do some soul searching with the Lord. Reading the article above helps bring some clarity to the actual content of the questions…I hope this blesses you.



5 Responses

  1. This is so needed right now. I feel as though I’ve been walking through a fog since my son was born 2 years ago. I had hoped I’d feel closer to God after having a child, and in some ways I do, but the emotional and physical toll has just beaten me down. I’ve allowed myself to become desensitised to so much, and forgotten what it was that I wanted my life to look like. I can’t feel God like I used to…and I want that back.

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