Daddy and Em with her first piece of furniture in the storage unit
Our last pose at Em and Noah’s very first house
We snuggled with Noah a lot in this room
And in this room.
Our new house won’t be done until December 28th. Meanwhile, we moved into a loft downtown last night for a few weeks. It’s like taking a vacation in our own town. We can see the mountains and all the city lights. Em is loving it. We met the new owners at the closing yesterday. They are a couple about our age with 3 kids, one dog, a cat and a bird. They are very excited about being in our neighborhood. We pray that they will be blessed in that home just as we were.
It was a bittersweet exit. I literally mopped myself out the back door and left the garage at 10:35pm, but not until many tears were shed, many prayers said, and an “Okay, Lord, You know I’ll miss the memories of my boy there, so, please fill in my blanks…”
We’re excited for the change. We’re also glad that even though we could not move right into our new home that we have the opportunity to hang out in our town and do the things we’ve always talked of doing.
Have a great weekend!
17 Responses
Well another step towards eternity Adrienne… Keep your head up and your eyes focused on the race set before you. I will be praying.
Thinking of you friend!
May your entire family be blessed in this next step in your lives. I will be praying that your memories will be strong and vivid of times you all shared in your home together!
“Home is where your heart is”! 🙂
Hi. I found your blog through a friend of a friend. I just wanted to let you know, I have been greatly ministered to by your faithfulness to the Lord. My sister also had a baby die. She was born with down syndrom and had a hole in her heart. The doctors had no idea anything was wrong with her until she was born. You remind me of my sister and the things she also experienced. Little Catie was 10 months old when she died. She had to have open heart surgery to try and correct the hole. We lived in the hospital for about a month, and I remember how tiring and emotionally draining it was. She ended up dying, not from the surgery, but due to a staph infection going around the hospital. Please know that you are in my prayers, especially during the holidays. Thank you so much for your transparency and sharing your sweet little boy’s story.
It must be hard to leave all the memories from the home that contained so many. But memories are really tied to your heart and your mind, not a physical place. I hope your transition goes well and that you love your new home. I am sure you will create many more new and wonderful memories, and Noah will be a part of all of it, too.
P.S. – The loft looks TOO COOL!!!
You had such pretty wall colors in that house. Best of luck with the new house! Hope you have fun in the loft!
The loft looks cool! I am praying for you as you make this transition in your life. I know it must be hard to leave that house and the memories. I can’t wait to see the new house and hear of your new adventures!!! Can you e-mail me your new address? I have something for Em for Christmas from Brooklyn and Cooper.
Have been thinking of you and praying for you alot this week. May the RISEN CHRIST touch you in a very special way during this time of change, that start to another chapter of your story. Blessings on Emily, Jason, and you.
Many, many blessings Graves family!
Praying for you guys.
Wow!! The loft looks awesome, how exciting for Em…Our prayers are with you during this time Adrienne. I know it must be difficult leaving your home but like someone said previously, there are many more wonderful memories to come, that’s for sure! Can’t wait to see pics of the new home. I’m thinking I may have missed a post of yours possibly, but are you guys having a new home built or waiting for the owners to move out? I don’t remember ever seeing a post about the new place? Either way, I’m excited for all of you….Take care and keep us updated!!
Paula and Family
you are not leaving noah and his memories behind. you are taking all of the memory and love with you to your new home.
i will be praying for you during this time of transistion!
I’m feeling this move thing with you as we just went through it a few weeks ago…and I’ll be praying God’s peace and comfort over you as you go through yet another huge change in your lives together.
My prayers and love are with you Ade. I can’t imagine how hard it was to close that door behind you…my family just went through the same transition this summer. Wish I was there to give you a big fat hug! I’ll be praying for you all as you go through the holiday season. Love you!
Big changes bring on big opportunities. As personable as you are I know that even the few week stay in the loft will connect you with people you never could have shared God’s message with. I pray for you and your family through this transition.
Love – Angie
You look awesome.
And that loft is killer.