Do you believe you were made for greatness?
Sometimes in the day to day it doesn’t seem like it. Sometimes in our darkest moments, greatness isn’t even a word that comes to mind.
But, when God made you…when He thought you up, designed you, decided on your color scheme, personality, and heart attributes…greatness was what He had in mind.
But, this greatness He had in mind for you was not just so you could toot your own horn or reap all of the benefits…this greatness is to be an asset to all those you encounter, because He made you, on purpose, and is totally in love with you!
So, is there something that is keeping you from walking in greatness?
I know what’s been holding me back for over 30 years and I’m not going to let it stand in my way anymore!
Want to join me on a road to be the best YOU God intended you to be?!
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