PLEASE PRAY! God will lead you how to pray, just stop and pray, though, for this sweet little guy, Stellan and for his family. Life in the PICU is not easy! It’s emotionally excrutiating! Go here to read the updates…
4 Responses
I actually just clicked on your blog to ask you to pray. I thought of you when I read the updates on Stellan and knew you would PRAY! So many people are lifting this little guy up!
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I actually found out about your blog from MckMama she is an amazing light in Christ as you are also! I feel like in this past year God has brought me to incredible woman in Christ as I have began my new walk with him Thank You for being a wonderful example I wish we could be true life friends!!! Maybe someday!!!
8:34 PM
I am praying and worrying and shaking for this little boy. He must pull through – there is no acceptable alternative!