Next Wednesday, April 8th, I’ll be a guest on a radio show on called “The Return”. You can tune in right now, Mountain Time 10am to 11am, each Wednesday to get a taste. You can listen to it live on the web and they even have a video feed if your computer is compatible.

“The Return” is a play on words, really, meaning a few things. It’s an encouragement for people to return to the local church, a place where no one is perfect but we can do life together and love each other through the day to day. Returning to the local church won’t only be an encouragement to your life, but in doing so, you will also be a blessing to others as you see how you can use your gifts to help the people around you. “The Return” also speaks of the return of Christ one day for His Bride, the church, the body of Christ. Something that Noah’s life has helped me look forward to.

Anyway, I’ll post again about it soon, but if anyone is reading now, you can go on and hit the listen live button, but remember, I won’t be on there until next Wednesday.



One response

  1. Ade — SO great to hear you today. Nice job! So real and honest. Thank you for sharing your heart, my friend.

    Re the end of the broadcast: I’ve found this quote by Lolly Winston in “Good Grief” is so true (my dad died more than 10 years ago, so I can confirm its truth): “The death of a loved one isn’t really something you get *over*. Instead, one morning you wake up and it’s not the *first* thing you think of.”

    So right.

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