Have you ever seen, or been in, a cat fight? Did you know that satan (sorry, I can’t get myself to capitalize his name…) loves cat fights? That’s right! He loves to stir up jealousy, greed, unforgiveness, strife, comparison, insecurity, and especially discontent among women. As long as he can entice us to focus on what we don’t have or why ‘she has more of this or that’, our eyes are on our circumstances instead of the One who loves us, is faithful to provide for us and has a plan for our lives. The truth is, there will always be someone who has: more money; better clothes; more kids; a better job; a better boyfriend or husband; more friends; a more peaceful family, etc. etc. Instead of wishing we were as talented as so and so, why can’t we first see each woman as a uniquely designed instrument designed by God to be part of a magnificent orchestra? Not every musician in an orchestra wants to be a violinist…nor should they be.

Yeah, the devil hates it when women know who they are in Christ. He hates it when we read God’s word, but not only that, he hates it when we begin to have the audacity to believe it! You see, even the devil knows God’s word. In Matthew chapter 4 we find the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus had just fasted for forty days and nights and was hungry. It says, “3The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” 4Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” In the next verse the devil goes on to actually quote scripture to Jesus. Why wasn’t there authority behind the devil quoting scripture? Because the next section of scripture Jesus shows that He worships the Lord God and serves Him only. His heart was not divided. He knew who He was and He knew He had a purpose. We are no different in that we can know who we are in the Lord and we can know His purpose for our lives. However, if our hearts are consumed with who we are not, our minds cluttered with all the what ifs, and our lives filled with things that will only temporarily satisfy, we will never experience the fullness and depth of relationship the Lord intends for each of us.

So, what then? First we can go before the Lord and recognize there is no such thing as a secret when it comes to us actually trying to hide something from Him. We need to be honest with the Lord about our hearts toward ourselves and others. In doing that, it opens a door for us to freedom. Freedom in being able to lay it all at His feet and say, “Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done.” Trusting that He actually knew what He was doing when He designed you. Next, we need to appreciate that it is part of God’s design that we are all different. Each of us reflects a different part of God’s beauty…we are made by Him, to display His splendor. So, instead of resenting or being jealous of the women we know and meet, let’s ask the Lord to show us His heart for each other, how we can pray for one another, encourage them in their gifts, love them the way we are called to love. For some, another step will need to be taken. A step of repenting and asking God, and perhaps another woman or women, for forgiveness…If we are to have God’s heart for all women, that will include the ones that we have hated, ones who have betrayed us, ones with different callings or passions or world views.

If we ask God for His eyes and His heart for the women in our lives we will be able to work together, sharing God’s love as He intended it. As long as we believe we are actually better than someone else, we will never be used to minister to them. How disheartening to hold onto our grievances to one day learn that the very women we judged were the ones God had called us to love…


12 Responses

  1. Thanks for that. Just last night in Bible study I was struggling with a lady in the group. Interrupting, can’t stay on topic, world view out of this world, etc. I’ve never had thoughts toward her before like I did last night. I knew it wasn’t right to harbor those feelings towards her in my heart. I have to love…no, I NEED to love her for Christ’s sake. Thanks for the gentle nudge.

  2. Adrienne-
    You don’t know how much I needed that today. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was upset about different things. Stupid things from “Why wasn’t I picked to sing a song” to a good friend said she would call and never did as she said (even though she is EXTREMELY busy) and I began taking it all personally. I knew it was the enemy attacking and I prayed about it but he kept trying to sneak in there and ruin my night and today. I even prayed this morning before I got out of bed and after reading your post…..I feel so much better about today and will not take things personally. Instead I will continue to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and continue with his work with the tools he equipped me with. Thank you so much for that. Love you!!!!

  3. Adrienne – thank you for this post – you wouldn’t believe the timeliness of this…you see, I received this morning an email from a woman who is very deep with her beliefs in God and has been doing a great ministry to others through her own blog – just as you are here. You probably have heard of her, but that’s not the reason for my message. You see, I reached out to her as I saw something that could potentially put one of her children in danger. I did this out of care and concern only to keep the little one safe. My thanks was a snub email basically telling me to mind my own business and that I was trying her patience. My time to express my care and concern and to give her the information to correct the issue was thrown back in my face…..by one who claims to be so deep in her relationship with God.

    Wow! I am in shock and to honest, quite hurt. I had began to explore my interests in learning more about faith and I had sought her advice and guidance as I truly admired her….oh how the true colors were shown today.

    But your post reminded me rather than to hold those feelings of hurt, to let them go as they will only fester and cause bitterness. Rather, I should pray for her and as you say to love her – accept her for her faults because, after all, she is only human also.

  4. Yes!
    Some of these thoughts you’ve written and shared are the very ones I had to embrace and come to grips with in order to forgive the woman who killed Teagan. The more I tried to figure out why she had done what she did, the more I realized God’s mercy in my life- that He had ‘saved me’ from the very life she was living. I have been burdened for her since that revelation- that God loves her as much as He loves me and as much as He loves Teagan and every other lost soul in this world.
    Thank you for this post. I love that God pours out Himself even when we question and fall short. I never have to give in to satan and his lies…God is so much bigger and worthy of our lives!

  5. adrienne…
    what a powerful post! one that i really needed to hear! i know that you did as the Lord put on your heart and i am so thankful that were willing to do just that! He knew that i needed that…and He gave to me just what i needed. i emotionally going through some things….not cat fight amongst women, but just some personal stuff…and this applies! God is good! i just wanted to say thank you! if you ever are led to write a book or a women’s bible study, or something like that…please let us know! i would love to be a part of it!
    shannon stinson

  6. :-O

    Oh my gosh! This is exactly what I needed to read. I’ve been in a funk about certain things, and this post totally hit the nail right on the head as to why I’ve been feeling “down.”

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  7. Andrienne,

    I have been a reader of your blog and have prayed for you and your family. Recently during my search for answers due to a sad conflict between myself and my sister in law (my hubby’s sister). I came across your blog post “cat fight” and it truly touched me and spoke to my heart. My question is, my I post your entry “cat fight” on my blog? If not, I understand and thank you for the chance to read it.


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