Here’s a pic of Ryan sporting Em’s backwoods redneck teeth as he crawled around in his cute military style crawl:
*I actually didn’t realize Ry had a prune mustache until I just posted this. This is because I don’t usually clean off his face after he eats…because I think he’s a cute dirty little boy.
Here are some pics from our summer adventures:
Em and her two BFF’s camping in the family room
Em requested dirt dessert. I know for a fact I left something out, but when you crush up Oreo’s and put worms and flowers on top, no one really notices.
A picture of Em after completing her first kids triathlon. She was exhausted but wants to sign up again for next year. Any of your kids want to join her?
Here we are visiting my Gramps in the hospital when he had pneumonia. My gramps is doing great now, fyi. And, a side note, he and Ryan are 93 years apart.
We got dressed up and went out to celebrate Noah’s 5th birthday. Inquiries: Em’s wearing a recycled Sari. Ryan is actually wearing a recycled Noah shirt, so I’m grateful it finally was worn!!!
Me and the best little mid-life crisis Eh-Ver!
Ryan’s first trip to the Denver Zoo. He loved it! He also fell asleep. Notice the delicious chubby wrists on this guy! Arghhhhh!
Em and her favorite babysitter in the whole wide world, who is actually on the other side of the whole wide world in Africa presently, doing relief work. We love you, Miss Claire! Thanks for the piggyback ride!
Em and I bought some feathers off the Internet to put in our hair…do you think I overdid it?
*For some reason, in the 60’s, I believe, women wore these feather wigs while they were lounging by the pool, sunbathing. It was my Grandma’s wig. Em’s feathers actually turned out great!
*For some reason, in the 60’s, I believe, women wore these feather wigs while they were lounging by the pool, sunbathing. It was my Grandma’s wig. Em’s feathers actually turned out great!
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