Emily often asks me to describe details of Jesus’ crucifixion. I only leave out the details that I didn’t personally witness, but I don’t usually paint a pretty picture since it wasn’t the best day on earth…Every time she asks about Jesus’ death, I try to be lovingly graphic, but not to the extent of Mel Gibson because, well, geez, she’s 4.5, but she knows that He was beaten so badly that people could barely recognize Him. She also knows that He was stripped down to his underwear (you could see the wheels turning in her head this morning when we talked about it, so I said, “Not boxers like daddy and not ‘Cars’ underwear like Luke…it was more like a wadded up white sheet wrapped around Him to make underwear…) Anyway, she always brings up the fact that He had to carry the very cross He was to be hung on all the way across town after He had been beaten, and she always points out the guy who helped Jesus carry His cross. She thought that was really nice of him, very helpful.
Today she said, “Those bad guys killed Jesus. They had the devil in their hearts.”
I said, “Em, they didn’t think they were bad guys and they most certainly didn’t think they had the devil in their hearts. They thought they were doing everyone a favor.”
Em: “Well then, why did they beat up Jesus and nail Him to a cross? He just went around sharing and loving people and even healing them.”
Me: “They didn’t believe He was Who He said He was. They thought He was a liar. They read the scriptures, but the people thought their King, Messiah would be a royal King that was rich and a bit more socially acceptable than somebody like Jesus.”
Em: “Yeah, He was born in a stinky old stable.”
Me: “Yep. Sometimes people who are kings and queens are so rich and priviledged and set apart that they think they are better than other people who don’t have as much as them. They think more highly of themselves…By Jesus coming as a baby in a stinky old stable, He never got the mindset that He was better than anyone else. He came for everyone.”
Em: “Why did they stab Him?”
Me: “Just to be mean.”
Em: “Geez.”
We then talked about how sad His mom must have been watching everything happen. She said, “Why did she watch?” I said, “Jesus was Mary’s son on earth. She loved Him so much and didn’t want Him to be alone, just like we never left Noah alone at the hospital. Jesus knew He had to do this hard thing, but His family and friends still stuck by His side.”
Anyway, on this anniversary of the reason I live and breathe, I want to wish you all a blessed time of celebrating the fact that even though Christ endured the cross and was buried, death could not keep Him in the grave. The reason we have hope that Noah is at peace in heaven and given the opportunity to come back to see us, he wouldn’t, is because we know that Jesus defeated eternal death over 2000 years ago. We are so grateful for the hope set before us…
19 Responses
What a great job you are doing raising Em. She seems like a very, kind, compassionate and understanding little girl. You should be very proud. She is wise beyond her years. Hope you and your family enjoy a very happy easter. It is refreshing to know that Em knows the true story of Easter and not the “commercialized” version.
Have you ever thought about writing children’s books? I think you have a knack for it.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Easter.
Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us, I learn from you everytime I log on! You are doing a great job teaching Em about our Savior! We hope that you have a wonderful Easter celebrating Our Lord! We love you!
The Coward Family
AMEN and AMEN! Happy Easter!
What a beautiful picture of Em and Noah! I agree, you really do have a way with words. You would be awesome at writing childrens books! Emily and Noah are very blessed to have you and Jason as their parents. I hope you have a wonderful Easter!
Paula and Family
I can’t wait to teach my son who is currently almost 2 to say on Easter morning…”Christ is risen” to which I will respond..”He is RISEN INDEED!”
Sue Simpson
I just wanted to thank you for what you have done for me. By reading your blog and the way you share your faith, you have truly inspired me. I’m so sorry for the reason this blog came about, but I’m also so grateful to you. The way you open your heart to all of us strangers in the hopes that we can be closer to our God has inspired me to try and open my heart and my faith to my loved ones in a way I’ve never even come close to before. Even if what I post never moves any of them like you move us each and every day, it is at least moving me and opening my heart wider and wider for my love for God. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless you and I hope your heart is filled with joy this Easter! Mine is, because my Savior is risen, but also becaue of you and because of Noah!
Thank you!
Beautiful, my sister in Christ! How awesome that Em and Noah have you guys as parents to teach them at such an early ages.
I was at church three times a week for the first 18 years of my life, and Em knows more than I did at the age of 30. God is blessing the world through your family! Jane
I think its fantastic that u have such an intelligent young lady to pass your years of knowlege onto,my daughtewr is the same age, yet i dont feel she understands the concept of christ and easter as well, but at least she’s learning.have a happy easter and god bless ur family x
Once again you bring me to the feet of Jesus.
Celebrating with you this wonderous, marvelous, RESURRECTION Day!!!!!
Blessings from SD
Hi friend!
Yesterday Jackson said, “Mom, I want you to tell me about Jesus dying on the boulder.” I reminded him that Jesus died on the CROSS, was buried in a TOMB, which was closed up with a BOULDER. I love that he is fascinated with God and his constant activity in our lives.
Also, Jackson told us yesterday that Jesus wants us to go back to Castle Rock. When I asked him why he thought that, he said “because I really miss my friends.”
Even at 4 years old…it is ALL about relationships!!
Thanks for being you.
Happy Easter!
Thank you so much for all you share with us. Em is such an inspriation as are you. I become a better mother everytime I read your blog. I have a 2 1/2 year old that I want to know and love Jesus as much as Em does. Tonight at bedtime she asked “Is Jesus alive yet?”. It is such an honor to read about your family. I know Noah is smiling up above us as we celebrate Christ. Have a wonderful Easter!
Jaime from Georgia
What a beautiful mother you are.
I can only pray that my heart
could learn to mother more like yours. You inspire and encourage
me so. Thank you Jesus for this
blessing of Adrienne because truly
reading your blog, Noah’s blog is such a gift to my heart & spirit.
Thank you just for loving the Lord
so much and loving your children
deeply and with a great passion.
God bless your family
Love & hugs & blessings
Happy Easter Adrienne and family…
I have not posted comments the past couple of post, but I am reading daily. Your words are so inspiring, and your life and love for your family is inspiring. I love the faith you have in our Lord!!!
Mary Geeslin
I know you don’t know me – but I just wanted to say thank you so much for your words in this blog. I have been following your blog for months now and I’m inspired by your strength and have so much admiration for your faith, wisdom and love. I know all those things come from the Lord and I’m thankful you have allowed Him into your life to be your pilot. You have touched me. Thanks for letting me share in your struggles and victories through the blog. Noah has touched my life too and I look forward to meeting him. I am moving and won’t have internet access for quite a while so I just wanted to tell you my thoughts before I ‘sign off’. Thanks again – you’ll be in my prayers. God bless you!
Someone shared this with me today and I wanted to share it with you. A beautiful 6 minute video about a baby boy whose story I know you will be drawn to.
With much love,
Brandy in MO
What a blessing it is to read such ‘REAL’ life from a ‘REAL’ Christian sister! Can’t wait to meet you and sweet Noah in Heaven one day!
Stacy from Mississippi
Amen to that! 🙂
A wonderful portrayal of Jesus – so honest and so “touching” that one cannot but help shed a tear upon reading your educating story and of your daughter’s comments too.
Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you all.