I’ve been polishing up my resume. Let me rephrase that…I have had one job that required a resume. I held that job from 1996 to 2001. I was a nanny for one year out of college, but they required an interview, not necessarily a resume. So, the job from ’96 to ’01 was my only job. Notice I didn’t italicize ‘only’ because, well, anybody out there knows that is a joke! I guess technically, in addition to my college schooling, ‘polishing up’ should really only require me to add my one official job. The only thing is, since becoming a mama in 2002, I’ve had more life experience than my previous job experience combined. Technically speaking, I founded a non-profit organization, started two women’s ministries, launched a freelance writing career along with public-speaking venues, became a self-made medical research associate and Lyme advocate, performed voice overs for a software company, have had some radio experience and will be launching my own show in June (more to come…stay tuned…) and have done fund-raising events for small and large charities.
Those things are all great or admirable in the work force, but really, what I want to put on a resume is: Qualified child of God, imperfect in every way but willing to use gifts given to me by the Creator of Universe to encourage others to aspire to their fullest potential. Willing recipient of the greatest love ever offered to mankind. Fearless leader with real life experience. Able to diligently work through the hours of the night for months at a time, if necessary, in order to make an eternal impact on future generations, physically and spiritually. Heartbroken and mended, able to walk alongside others in their disappointment with life and God. Wife to the most wonderful man in the whole world. Mother to one fantastic daughter who brings joy, laughter, and hope with each day. Mama to one sweet son who is living the ultimate life in God’s physical presence, whose life and death lessons provide for my ongoing education. Daughter of the greatest parents on earth. Sister to the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Friend of some of the world’s most wonderful people. High aspirations, yet not too lofty, to change the world one heart at a time. Mobile candidate, willing to go to the ends of the earth if He requires it of me. Hopeful romantic waiting on the return of the King of Kings to rescue us from this life of physical separation from God. Imperfect disciple living each day as fully as possible, one day at a time, trying to steward gifts and time for His glory, but making mistakes along the way. All inquiries email: adexoxox@gmail.com
But, I’m not so sure that the above content would throw open the doors for an interview, so I’ll trust the Lord and see if in His sweet sense of humor, He’ll work with what I have got…He’s done it before, I’ll trust Him this time, as well.
9 Responses
Ade, I thought this quote fit your blog to a “T”. – Milt
You Are Special
“You’re special. In all the world there’s nobody like you.
Since the beginning of time there has never been another person like you.
Nobody has your smile, nobody has your eyes, your nose, your hair, your hands, your voice.
You’re special. No one can be found who has your handwriting.
Nobody anywhere has your tastes for food, clothing, music, or art.
No one sees things just as you do.
In all of time there’s been no one who laughs like you, no one who cries like you, and what makes you cry or laugh will never produce identical laughter and tears from anybody else, ever.
You’re the only one in all of creation who has your set of abilities.
Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things you’re good at, but no one in the universe can reach the quality of your combination of talents, ideas, abilities, and feelings. Like a room full of musical instruments, some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony sound when all are played together. You’re a symphony.
Through all of eternity, no one will ever look, talk, walk, think, or do like you.
You’re special…you’re rare. And in all rarity there is great value. Because of your great value you need not attempt to imitate others…you will accept — yes, celebrate your differences.
You’re special and you’re beginning to realize it’s no accident that you’re special.
You’re beginning to see that God made you special for a purpose.
He must have a job for you that no one else can do as well as you.
Out of the billions of applicants, only one is qualified, only one has the right combination of what it takes.
That one is you, because…you’re special.”
15 Minutes Alone With God for Men, Bob Barnes, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 1995, pp. 33-34.
I would hire you in a heartbeat :)! Besides, business resumes are BORING . . . bullet points of “mumbo jumbo” using fancy words like “manage,” “organize,” “driven” blah, blah blah! If I were reading hundreds of resumes, I would be beyond thrilled to get a real-life, heart-filled, better yet . . . God-filled resume! I think you should do it!!
I LOVE your qualifications!!!!
What better or more honest of person can you get!!! Anyone would be lucky to add you to their staff! Enjoy you time with EM and no school! 🙂
I hear ya girl…my resume would also include vagabond and sojourner. Willing to endure long rides on dusty roads (by car or animal) to share Truth with those who have never heard it, able to go without electricity and other luxuries for extended periods of time….let’s never put our identity in our resumes!
That is the best resume I have ever seen…love it!!
you’re amazing! as i follow your story, I continue to see how God has worked in your life for the better of all mankind. that is an amazing resume!
you totally rock!!!
Adrienne… You are one of a kind!! Love ya girl…. Wondering if I could borrow some of those words, I think they might fit my qualifications too…. oh wait, we are already hired by Him… Now, it truly is trusting Him to place us in the opportunity He wants us in, so we can be used…. Again, love your qualifications 🙂