Some more lovely ladies have sent in their ‘Locks of Love’ haircuts…
I am so excited in my heart to know how many kids will be wearing their wigs soon, feeling encouraged while they battle disease.
I was reading the story of Samson in the Bible to Emily tonight. I was thinking about how when his hair was cut, he lost his strength, but in all of these cases, other people are gaining strength to fight their disease and live life to the full because of a simple haircut. Cool.
4 Responses
Very cool. Its great so many participated!
Dear Graves Family, You obviously don’t know me at all, but I wanted to share something with you anyway. My sister-in-law called me today at work and told me about your blog. I went to the very first post and read through some time in February 2007. I have never in my life cried for someone I don’t know at all as much as I did tonight. I have 2 sons, Jayden 3-17-05 and Lincoln 11-1-06 and lost a baby I was carrying at 9 weeks 12-14-07. I needed to hear you today. I am willing to stake my life on the line with this truth; you all are the closest thing I will ever see of the face of Christ himself with my eyes on earth. I am honored you shared. My heart will never be the same having encountered yours. I haven’t read far enough to see if you ever downsized or rearranged the house, but I’ve been praying about those same things (we have a small house 968 sq ft, but discussing an addition) and you spoke to my soul with your words. Thank you. Really, Thank you so much. May God look at you with these words “you are my children in whom I am well pleased.” Amen.
Thought these 2 blogs might tug at your heartstrings.
Both families can use our prayers.
i don’t know if your hair blogs are having the proper effect on me. after seeing that first picture…i have a overwhelming desire to have a full head of hair again:0) gorgeous…both ways.