I was sent an email the other day entitled “Something for your family”. I opened it and followed the directions that sent me to YouTube.com. I was instructed to type in “For Noah’s Family”. Here is what I found, and what else could I do but share it with you…

Emily and I sat and watched this video, repeatedly. She sat on my lap and leaned back on my chest. She would look from the computer to my face, and then proceed to wipe the tears off her arms that were flowing from my eyes. Immediately she said, “We need to email them right now and thank them.” Later that night, as I tucked Em into bed, you can bet that “The Adventures of Emily and Noah” included Scarlet, River, and their sweet little brother, Christian…and some kangaroos.

There are many things I enjoy having in common with other people…the death of a child is not one of them. I wish we were the only people on earth to have lost a child, but we aren’t. We weren’t the first ones and we won’t be the last. I hate that anyone has this in common with us, but it is because of this reality that we’ll continue to share, I will keep on writing, and we will never stop offering God’s love and hope with anyone that will listen.

Thank you, Carly!



24 Responses

  1. beautiful! ade and all of your readers, could i ask for prayers for my friend terri – she lost a little boy, ryan 9 years ago – he died while she was still carrying him. she since had a little girl and got pregnant again – today she went into pre-term labor – she’s at the hospital right now – in surgery to deliver this new little boy.

  2. “Wow” is right. How beautiful that this family reached back you in response to your reaching out through your blog. God reaches far and wide, doesn’t He?

  3. eyes welling… what a beautiful and precious gift from a sister ‘down under’ – what a thoughtful and beautiful gift… wow indeed… 🙂

  4. WoW! That had me in tears. From another Aussie, let me say your blog is a great inspiration and encouragement. I am just so sorry that it came about through such a devestating loss.

  5. Hi Adrienne,
    I don’t comment much on the blogs I read (blog commenting shyness I think it’s called). But what a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing it with all of us, it brought tears to my eyes. Much love to you and yours.

  6. This is a wonderful example of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. (4) who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

  7. How great that they made that video and then shared it with you. Your story continues to further His kingdom. So, yeah, wow. Very cool.

  8. Such a thoughtful and sweet video! And I, too, like to imagine all of our little babies that are in Heaven, playing together, bouncing on Jesus’ knee…what a beautiful picture…

  9. WOW!! an incredible gift to you. I’ve been reading your blog for sometime now and each time i read i’m inspired. your emotions pour out into words. God really is working through you and reaching others. thank you for your words!

  10. Unrelated to this post, but realted to the blog: any news on Jason’s foot? What about the appointment with the Specialist for you? Still waiting for TCH to copy your files for his office?

  11. oh. dear.

    As we say in my circle of friends, “that should come with a tissue alert“.

    That’s just lovely. And amazing. And … oh, I’m so sorry you have this in common, too. But clearly God is using this in both of your family’s lives, and for that we praise Him.


  12. That was so very precious. You have reached many people, you just don’t realize how many…Noah’s Story reaching out & bringing people back to our Lord & Saviour. God has HIS own way of giving us thanks! Praying for you in Nashville, TN Rose

  13. hi this is Davis.Really an wonderful video. what a beautiful video!! Thank you for sharing it with all of us, it brought tears to my eyes. Much love to you and all yours.

    WoW Gold

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