Not trying to shock you, but here is a bumper sticker I had to sit behind in traffic recently. It read, “I piss excellence.” Really? That’s fabulous?????? Congratulations?! What does that even MEAN, you numb skull?! Oh. My. Word. Seriously? Can we just talk about what messages we are trying to get across here?! I […]
Not trying to shock you, but here is a bumper sticker I had to sit behind in traffic recently. It read, “I piss excellence.” Really? That’s fabulous?????? Congratulations?! What does that even MEAN, you numb skull?! Oh. My. Word. Seriously? Can we just talk about what messages we are trying to get across here?! I […]
So, I’ve been ‘tagged’…on Facebook, that is. “25 Random Things about me…” So, I’ve decided to share them for the heck of it. Besides, everyone is not on FB, and it was kind of a fun exercise and, as random as it is, hopefully reveals a little more about me and what I’m about. It’s […]
Well, long story short, Noah had the antigen for borrelia Burgdorferi (Bb) in his blood. He did not have the antibodies. Bb is a spirochete (a spiral shaped organism) that acts in a stealth manner and attacks the body at the cellular level. Bb morphs between a cystic phase where it is dormant and an […]
Well, my sister and I leave in a few hours for NYC. Am I done packing? Why would I be? I’m one of the world’s worst packing procrastinators…I’m basically done, I guess, but I think I must function best under pressure. Maybe that’s why life at the hospital with my sweetest guy wasn’t impossible for […]
Here’s an update: With the help of many people, my financial goals have been met in full, and then some! I am blown away! Thank you so much for praying for me during this journey and supporting me, either financially or by walking with me on training walks or helping with fundraising. If you really […]
Faces at the market So, somehow on our trip I was designated as ‘the translator’. Yes, I speak Spanish, I can read and write it and I understand it if the person is speaking slowly. But, medical Spanish…well, that just wasn’t a class I took in college. Business, yes. Travel, yes. But not medical Spanish. […]
Okay, good job on the ‘Sixteen Candles’, Molly Ringwald deal. My best friend, Stacey, growing up, we used to watch that movie endlessly. We even had it memorized from the beginning…”Ginny, Mike, Sarah, Sam! Everybody up! We have relatives invading this afternoon!” Looking back, there’s no way my kid’s watching it, but man, it was […]
“Look, Fred, she’s gotten her boobies!” “Ahhh!” “Oh, and they are so perky!” The first person to tell me the name of the movie, including the main actress, from the quote above wins a very special prize! This isn’t any old prize because it is my very own Avon Breast Cancer Marathon t-shirt, signed and […]
Folks, January 8th was Elvis Presley’s birthday, too.  I had a few of his 45’s when I was a kid, watching Nipper the RCA dog spin around and around on my Barbie record player while I held my microphone, and told our Gordon Setter, Sham, that he wasn’t nothin’ but a hound dog. Raise your […]
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