No, really. I don’t know how some bloggers write Every. Single. Day. Sometimes even multiple times in one day. When Noah was in the hospital I had plenty of down time to be able to sit and blog my heart and thoughts. I’m not sitting around at a hospital trying to save my kid’s life. […]
Here’s a blurb from one of my favorite movies, if not my favorite, that I’d like to share. I think I’ve shared it previously, but I recently watched the movie again and was reminded of why I like it so much…it’s a scene between Dustin Hoffman and Will Ferrell after Hoffman’s character, a literary professor, […]
…in no particular order: I’m not easily offended. I have always welcomed discussion and differing opinions here, even though it’s my blog. I am not really sure if I am offended or if my feelings are just hurt, but even after 2+ years of blogging about so many random things and having both positive and […]
I am not sorry for exercising my First Amendment Right, but I want to apologize to anyone who might read this blog. This blog was started as a means to update on Noah’s health, or lack thereof. Then, God showed me that we weren’t the only people on earth to experience tragedy and loss, so […]
So, as I sit here in 2007 with a computer on my lap, blogging, the obvious comes to mind. I am 35 years old. I first took typing from Ms. Reinhart in 9th grade. That was in 1987 when big hair, big earrings and two pairs of socks at once was cool. The same year […]
One, I have been listening to Jeremy Riddle’s album, Full Attention, non-stop for a week. On my solo retreat I had a mix CD that my friend Mandy made for our Bible study group. There were a few of his songs on it, but at the time I didn’t know they were by him. Music […]
I miss this kid… One year ago was my official faith crisis. The docs came in to say they didn’t know why Noah’s health was declining, that it was our choice whether to intervene, and they were done looking for answers. (Really? So that means we spent the next 3 and a half months searching […]
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