coach writer speaker podcast COMING SOON Designing a life worth loving requires reflection, vision, and intention… …and a healthy dose of love and self-care. Society’s or family expectations will always be exhausting and aren’t part of our divine design…I know because I placated others for too long, never feeling free in my own skin. Age […]
It’s been 5-6 years since we sent out Christmas cards, but it’s happening this year! WHAT?! Here’s our last card: Ummmm, I guess it’s actually been 6 years. First observations: kids grow fast, some of us have more grays, I have less hair, WOW, Spain was amazing, how can our daughter be a senior?, and […]
As a writer, many random thoughts cross my mind on any given day. Here are some from the last few days I wanted to share on parenting. Empathy starts with asking ourselves, “How would that make me feel?,” then making choices to treat others (and ourselves) accordingly. A simple “pause” like this can make a […]
I’m heading out of town soon to celebrate 25 years with my esposo. We’ll be near salt and sand, soaked in sun, and these things require a bathing suit and speaking my second language. So it made me think of the following post I wrote when we were in Spain for our 20th anniversary. … […]
… Who am I? Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? … Do you find yourself circling back to these questions? We’re all writing our stories as we go. There’s no specific user manual for how to do life on earth.  TRUEPRINT courses offer you authentic tools to […]
ME: “Sweetheart, do you have five minutes?” Him: “I always have five minutes for you.” … My husband and I both work from home. During the week, he and I tag team the morning routine of kids, food, and hygiene moderation. Then, he usually drives them to school, a 30 minute round trip event, while I get […]
Right before waking up this morning, I dreamt a friend and I were standing in the middle of a four-lane road with cars flying by in either direction. We were discussing the vital importance of practicing the act of writing for 20 minutes everyday, no matter what… And then I woke up… Prior to waking […]
… Right now all I can hear is a wind from the north raging and whistling the sweet tiny lake cabin where we are presently staying. I’m kind of surprised my youngest hasn’t run down and jumped into bed with me yet from the ruckus…a sign he really is exhausted playing as hard as a […]
First of all, thank you guys for all the encouraging feedback, cheering me on to write. Don’t get me wrong. I love writing, but the practice of writing is something I’ve been out of for quite some time. This challenge came to me from some new friends in a blogging workshop I’m taking. There are […]
I write in my head all the time but most of it never hits the keyboard, so I’ve decided to jump on a writing bandwagon and Write for 31 Days in the month of October in order to clear my head and heart and make room for more. A very wise soul wrote a blog […]
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